I've never been one to pay much attention to "theory crafting." I'm not a math genius by any means and I'm not all together clear on how the math reflects the dps/performance of a character. I'm what you might call the "average Joe" when it comes to Wow. I have played a druid off and on through Vanilla WoW, skipping around to new classes as I tired of dealing with heavy Nurfs or class mechanic changes that just made the classes I spent 2 years playing a bore. I came back to Druid for Cata because of a love for the "do it all" theme that is the Druid. That said, I'm asking for some clarity, be it from Blizzard or from fellow players on the resent changes to the Feral Combat system. Like many others, while reading the patch notes, I see more nurfs, more changes and more neutering to druids both PVP and PVE. While I don't PVP I do have a growing concern for PVE. I don't tank often but when I do I find it hard to keep multi-target agro on large groups, and with the change in the way druid tanks generate agro I have to admit I'm confused and concerned more so in the ability of Druids to tank. I've seen some of the other posts here and read a few links but the math language of the explanations is lost on me. Perhaps someone could be kind enough to dumb it down or just explain it in a language I would better understand? How is a druid supposed to get instant aoe agro on groups when dps classes like Mages and DK are doing mass agro on mobs? Is there a rotation or something I do not understand?
More importantly to me, the feral dps aspect, with the reductions in feral dps to major rotation abilities, does this mean I can expect to see my 20k dps drop to 15k? Why are these changes being made? What over power have druids shown to warrant a reduction in their dps output or do I not understand the full math of the subject? As far as I can see, I'm on par with dps Warriors, and Rogues, are these classes also having reductions? I've seen dps warriors spike 60k dps in gear the same level as my own. I could never hit that, so why are ferals being reduced? Again, maybe I don’t understand because of the "math" or some other factor but I would love for anyone that does understand the mechanic to break it down for me.
Right, it's a boost not a nerf.
Basically certain abilities had a plus X threat mechanic. That mechanic is gone and instead that bonus threat is now damage. So now you'll do the same threat but more damage. Also if you crit you'll do more threat than a crit before the patch. Additionally swipe is getting a CD reduction so you'll be able to use it twice as often.
The end restult is a slight threat boost in single target, a huge boost in AOE threat and a large (1k ish) dps increase.
edit: also enrage no longer makes us take more damage so now you can use it all the time for a threat boost. Is there any particular part of the notes you had a question about?
Thanks Sarath, that makes things a bit more clear on the tanking side. Kurtadam I have that link and some aspects of that post still didn't make sense to me, again could just be the terminology of post that wasn't clicking for me but thank you for posting it.
What issues are you having specifically. terminology is something we can easily explain.
for so long, it's not true!
wanted a women, never bargained for you.
lots of people talkin', but few of them know....
soul of a woman, was created below.
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