Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fury Swipes vs Feral Aggression: PvP

My question is, which is better for PvP? Fury Swipes, or Feral Aggression?

Fury Swipes seems to give you a nice burst when proced.
Feral Aggression gives Ferocious Bite more damage, and the 3 stacks of FF give more sustained DPS.

My thoughts are Fury Swipes gives the nice burst, and you can always apply 3 FF's over the course of a encounter....Also FF gets dispelled.

I see many druids choose Feral Aggression over Fury Swipes though, so I'd like to know everyones thoughts behind it.....Is the Fury Swipe proc not all that significant? or not proc often enough to be worth while?

I also assume if in 4.2 Ferocious bite heals you, Feral Aggression will be more appealing.
ferocious bite will just be a much better ability overall in 4.2, so FA will be much more attractive just because of that, the healing is pretty irrelevant (and it seems like the healing is glyph-exclusive again anyway, a glyph not worth using at all)

on live FB is pretty awful, the only reason to spec that talent is (a) playing with another heavy physical DPS, since it's the most-easily-applied armor debuff and (b) the potential choices for your last point in a feral arena spec are all relatively awful anyway (primal madness, fury swipes, or FA, basically)
Personally I think FS is beyond crap. The only reason I'm considering taking 1 point in it is because I want to take 3/3 perseverance with the amount of FDKs running around, and I feel 1/3 FS may be better than 1/2 FA. I'd probably keep FA if I were running with a warrior, but arpen doesn't help DKs much.

EDIT: And of course FA will be standard next patch.
FA, the stacks of ferie fire are nice, but also having FB burst can be pretty clutch. Against healers especially where you may have a short window to get the kill. Fury swipes are a proc, 3 stacks of FF, and 10% FB dmg increase is a for sure. I would say the for sure is easily the way to go. Dependability is key. Also I've been thinking about giving it a try mainly for bg's, but with the FA added FB dmg, taking the glyph of FB that at the moment makes it stop converting energy into dmg and for bg's and maybe arenas that could be really really nice. Not sure how it will work out tho... just a thought. Out of curiosity what was the heal % they where proposing for FB glyphed again?
Also, don't bleeds not bypass armor? So since we need bleed dmg so much wouldn't 3 stacks or ferie fire be decently significant?

Edit: Sorry i'm really tired and that was horribly worded, fail sentence lol. Don't bleeds bypass armor*.
my opinion on it is both total crap and dont need either because i dont seem to ever see ferals use ff on anyone but druids and you dont stand still and auto attack much either in pvp i mean if u walk up to a mage and attack it it's not gonna just stand there nor any other player would
Yeah, their should never be any auto attacking going on in pvp. If their is, it's a tiny amount, your proc rate is also tiny, %15 is it? I think FA takes the cake :).

1 comment:

  1. Auto attack is not just when your standing still not using any other attacks. Auto attack occurs simultaneously with all of your other damage output. In fact, if you were to look at a recount of your damage done, quite often "Melee" is your number one highest damaging attack. "Melee" = auto attack!
