I could get there by using some ilvl 346 pieces, reforging, regemming all reckless, and changing some enchants. Is there a magic loss of INT where it is not worth it?
Not sure if I'm in the correct gear at the moment, but I'm sitting at 2010 haste with full 359 gear. It's a very very difficult number to come by without help of 359+ gear. I'm currently putting a wrist enchant up to haste, which could be intellect. I generally weigh the benefits of extra ticks against the lost spell power. 2005 haste gives an extra tick of WG and Efflorescence, which adds up to be quite a bit of healing per cast. I valued that healing over the 50 int I could get on bracers. I'd advise you to experiment with reforging all of your crit and mastery into haste and see what numbers you get. As a primarily raid healer in my 10m groups, I value haste over mastery just for the added mobility and power of hots. I run with a holy priest and holy paladin, so it tends to work with my group setting. With changes in 4.2, however, we may find mastery to be a more influential stat than haste. Good luck!
I don't really follow resto as closely as I used to, so this may not be right, but I believe the answer is that the extra haste shouldn't come at the cost of int. The haste comes from mastery. So, if you're planning on replacing int gems with pure haste, that's likely not the correct route.
shouldn't sacrifice INT for haste, ever. INT is *the* best stat for resto's followed by spirit then haste (haste then spirit if your regen is good enough), or am I wrong?
i think the general consensus is, like, if you can get pretty close to 2005 while keeping your 4piece, keeping all 359 gear, gemming brilliant/reckless/purified as appropriate, reforging crit/mastery into haste, etc etc -- like, say, 1900, 1950 haste or so -- then it's probably worth sacrificing a bit of int through pure haste gems and/or haste enchant on bracers. but if you're pretty far off, it's pointless to just reforge/regem/re-enchant everything to hit the breakpoint, because you won't have the spellpower/spirit to support it. at a cursory glance at your gear, it looks like you're doing it right.
Most people prefer to lose <100 Int, but up to 400-500ish is actually fine to do, if you need to. I lost around 500 and still saw an improvement.
I sacrificed a total of 65 int to get there, but I'm an Engineer/Alchemist, which gave me 400 haste right off the bat between the goggles and the alchemy stone. That definitely made it much easier.
One thing that really helps is that the boomkin tier legs have a huge chunk of haste on them. If you opt for those as your offset, you wind up with a healthy chunk of haste from the tier helm/gloves and offset legs. This does force you to take the horribly itemized tier chest, but since there aren't any 359+ chest options with haste, this winds up being a mostly non-issue (you do sacrifice some spirit, but if you have the 4pc bonus it will more than compensate).
I did fiddle around with Rawr and managed to assemble a gear list that gets to 2005 haste using only gear + enchants + 2 INT/Haste gems. The only INT sacrifice in that gear build is the wrist enchant. And it doesn't require the alchemy stone or engineering goggles, so it IS possible.
Thank you all for your advice...Keeva I will keep the 400-500 number in mind. From what I see it is hard without the 4 pc set bonus and/or engineering....i have the alchemy.
I just wish there was more haste on gear instead of crit....may be the crit will payoff in 4.2. Even as Balance crit is not that enticing next to haste and mastery.
From what I've seen on MMO Champion, Haste is a bit more common on gear in 4.2, so getting to 2005 will be MUCH easier.
Thank you all for your advice...Keeva I will keep the 400-500 number in mind. From what I see it is hard without the 4 pc set bonus and/or engineering....i have the alchemy.
I would be careful doing it too soon. I was so stoked to get there that I sacrified A LOT of int to try it out. I had pure haste gems, pure haste JC gems, reckless in half my slots, etc. In all seriousness I should've waited 1 more upgrade piece before doing it because I still had blue items equipped.
There's no issue gemming haste to bracers/gloves and changing some gems to 20/20 or maybe 1-2 to 40 haste. However I would not recommend doing what I did and changing your 67 int JC gems to haste. I looked at my gear and cringed for about 2 weeks before I got that item I wanted and was able to start changing stuff back.
Even at my 365 ilevel I still have a couple 20 spell/20 haste gems in yellow sockets giving me 10 int bonuses. I obviously changed my JC gems back first, then the 65 haste to bracers to 50 int. After that I changed any 40 haste prismatic gems into 20/20 and then into 40 int. Basically it's like every time I upgrade a piece from 359 to 372 I take another item that was gemmed/focused towards haste and move it back to int.
This balance of gear will continue into t12 and become even more of a game. With values skyrocketing even more, 2005 haste is going to be even easier to get. Every piece you pick up is either going to drop you below that number or shoot you above it causing you to reforge one way or the other - many times multiple reforges to get as close to it as you can without dropping below. Be prepared for this constant struggle as a druid for another tier or two of gear until the next breakpoint is realistically reachable.
Bottom line: Changing some enchants, some gems,and an item or two is not a big deal but do not change around your JC gems, lose your 4pc, or anything else crazy like that. I know it's exciting to get close to it but you can wait a couple more items.
The sacrifice of int becomes more worth it for haste as you move closer to a breakpoint. Say, youre at 1200, and you want to hit 1225. That would be more worth sacrificing int for than, say, if you had 1150 haste. A general rule is- dont replace your intellect, ever. But definitely sacrifice anything else to get to a haste breakpoint.
I personally have never attempted to chase after the haste bubble. My haste seems to hover between 1200 and 1500 the entire expansion. I still heal like a fiend and on most fights no other class can keep up with my effective HPS let alone my raw HPS. I personally have chosen to have a lot of spirit. This allows me to cast more large heals and I consistently have mana longer and have more sustained HPS due to this (I believe). It could also be my personal play style (but I seem to have the same % of spell usage as most druids).
I understand the math. I would LOVE to have the extra ticks. I just do not see it as huge a deal as I have found my larger mana pool and my better regen has meant on long nasty fights I have mana and other druids run empty.
Just my experience. Take what you can from it.
PS I am gearing up my second resto druid and I am trying to devote as much to haste as I can find to see how much better/different it is.
As neither an alchemist nor an engineer, even in 359 gear I couldn't reasonably reach that breakpoint, so I forged OUT of haste all the way as close to 915 as I could (I think I'm like 940 or so). I'm occasionally shafted without a 5% spell haste buff, but usually I have it, and the extra mastery I get has been a way better performer for me, as I always have tank duty and my raids are 10-man.
*shrug* I think it's very difficult for anyone else to answer your question, cause we don't know if you're healing 10-mans or 25-mans or what your mastery uptime is, or what role you play in your healing team, etc. I guess the biggest concern would be about whether or not you have any mana concerns at this time. If you've perpetually got mana, then it probably won't kill you to drop your int for more haste. Throughput for throughput, but only one of them helps you last longer in fights.
Personally, I sacrificed around 400 int, and 100 spirit, and a few percentage points of mastery, to get to 1780 haste (with plus 225 haste elixir I am at 2005 on the dot). My hps on ALL fights increased between 2k and 4k hps depending on fight, and I still have no mana issues with DMC: Tsunami and Core of Ripeness (using basically on CD). Since the extra ticks on both WG and efflo. always proc ( they don't get sniped like rejuve. can, I snipe my own rejuves sometimes in the heat of battle >.>) they add a ton of effective healing if used on CD. I have 4 +40 haste gems and feel a little noobish with them, but the results speak for themselves. Spend the gold to get to 2005 if you can, heal a few raids, run ZA/ZG and get a feel for your output, then decide.
One suggestion I'll make to anyone chasing 2005 and struggling: use the Boomkin pants as your off-set piece.
yes, the Resto chest is terribly itemized. But the other options in this tier aren't much better (the Scorched Wyrmling Vest at least has spirit/mastery, but the crit on the Tier can be reforged to Spirit or Haste as needed).
This way you keep your set bonus, but get the huge chunk of haste off the Boomkin legs (220+).
4pc + Boomy pants puts you at %25 of your haste goal alone.
This core alone is worth about 500 haste, and makes farming the pieces to get to 2005 -- even without Alchemy/Engineering options -- a lot easier.
You are actually gimping yourself because a flask is itself 300 int on top of what you sac'd.
In your case it's not worth it - Efflor is not anything to write home about unlike WG which is light-years ahead and 99% of the time tops meters followed by RJ.
Still though you should go alch imo and save yourself the massive int loss...
If my healing went up I'm not gimping myself, for me it was worth it. My top 3 heals are always WG, LB, and rejuv (tranq. on short fights), but efflo is now consistently number 4 (I usually cast it on boss or mobs for full effect).
I agree with you about alch, I am hoarding herbs with the intention of switching professions. The haste on the trink is very appealing, and I would love to change out these noobish 40 haste gems >.>
Thanks for the feedback!
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