Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Not a ToL QQ. Just a Q

I am finding that in the heat of battle, I forget to use ToL. Or even that I have a ToL.
When I have used it, it seems that I can't get LB rolling on everyone that needs it and still heal everyone properly.
So, when do you all use ToL (i.e. what dungeon/raid bosses)? Under what circumstances? And how do you overcome the rolling LB issue that I've had?
Just think when the best time to pop it would be and do so when the time comes. Any heavy dmg phase preferably.
If you don't want to mess it up, pop ToL then tranq for heavy raid dmg then you can keep LBs rolling without being too stressed out cause everyone will be pretty much full heehe
A lot of times I find it more useful in situations where you can predict lots of incoming dmg. In TOL form, you get 2 additional wild growth targets; so when massive AE dmg is coming up, pop WG then cast lifeblooms on people with your wild growth spell (that way LB benefits from mastery).

If you are having a hard time remembering to use it, try *planning* to use it instead of letting it be a reaction to use it, if that makes sense.
sadly i tend to use it when the tank doesnt realize there are adds on me. that extra armor helps me not die... as fast.

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