Many druids want Tree form back. Many druids hated the old tree form, and flame the druids you deem utterly stupid for begging for the old tree form.
What these druids want is simply a cosmetic form for them to heal in- that corresponds to the aspect of healing magic just as the moonkin corresponds to balance, and bear/cat forms corresponds to feral.
It seems to me that many of you either miss or ignore what these druids want, and instead opt to condemn them to deep pits of stupidity. I urge you to take a minuet to run down to your local pharmacy and buy a few bottles of Anti-derrp- extra strength. The pharmacy hands these out liberally so don't be concerned about a prescription or payment.
Now, we all know why Blizzard removed the old tree form. It had limitations to the druid's choice of play style in both pvp and pve scenarios, and it provided not only immunity to crowd control abilities in pvp, but dispels to those same abilities.
Please stop filling all the posts related to tree form with your rants about why it was so horrible, why it was so OP, and why you would rather have it as a powerful CD.
We all get it, its been months since cataclysm came out.
Its been months since blizzard and many, many other bloggers, posters, and developers have answered questions regarding tree form's removal.
And its been months since druids have cried about tree form, and merciless players have sniped them down for complaining about it.
These druids are asking for a purely cosmetic tree form, one for those who enjoyed looking like a tree, looking like something unique, and looking like a true druid should in their eyes. They are not asking for the same old tree form with it's buffs and complications.
The tree form many have been begging for is one that is:
-Cosmetic, functioning the same way as the noggenfogger skeleton costume, savory deviate delight and it's pirate costume, and the blood elf orb with it's corresponding costume.
-Costumes that affect a player's appearance are not some new, foreign idea in the world of warcraft, we've had them since vanilla and I truly don't understand why some of you cant grasp that concept.
-This tree form is basically a glyphable costume for restoration druids. upon adding the glyph, a shape-shift labeled "tree form" appears on the transformation bar above the druid's action bar. Activating this form simply changes the player's appearance to that of a treant.
-There is no CC immunity, increased healing (except through the master shapeshifter talent's increased healing to caster form- which is not overwritten in this costume) and shape-shifting into any other form does not produce a GCD, just as activating travel-form when you are changed by savory deviate delight does not produce a GCD.
- This "form" will have the same aura and mechanical applications to the druid as savory deviate delight's pirate costume's buff aura.
- activating "tree of life" in this cosmetic form removes the effect, and adds the tree of life cosmetic, healing bonus, and corresponding enhanced spells. You will still have the powerful CD.
- To those i know are going to scream " But I don't want to look like an ugly treant, I want to see my gear!" I urge you to first shed your selfishness- just because you and the population of druids who disliked the tree form cosmetic don't want it, does not mean that we shouldn't have the option for those who do want it, just like there is an option to show your helm and cape in the interface menu. Would you like to flame those options as well?
- And to those who will say that blizzard does not have the time to do this- they already have, just not in the way that some would like it.
It would take them some time and effort- but not much, to tweak a glyph that already gives druids the choice of new or old tree form- This is the minor glyph that allows you to look like a treant when in the "tree of life" CD.
Players who prefer the new cosmetic ignore this glyph. Players who prefer the old cosmetic buy this glyph. This is a perfect example of personal choice- learn it, understand it, and live it.
Let's rename this entire forum from Druid to Year-Late Tree Form Discussion.
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