Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How do you pronounce your druids name?

Thought it would be neat to see how you either mentally or verbally refer to your druid's name. Also what "nicknames" do guildies and puggers use to refer to you?

Mines rather uninteresting as its an actual word, but its pronounced Kay-Seen.

Most guildies simply shorten my druids name and simply refer to me as Case or Casey .

Puggers, when not saying HEY DROOD MOTW PLOX, refer to me as Case also.

Feel free to give more info on why you have your "nickname"
Mine is actually an Old Norse word for "King"

The Eddic poem Rígsthula, tells how the god Ríg (said to be Heimdall), fathered a mortal son named Jarl 'noble' later known as Ríg-Jarl. Ríg-Jarl had eleven sons, the youngest of which bore the name Kon the Young (Old Norse Konr Ungr), this name understood to be the origin of the title konungr 'king', though the etymology is in fact untenable. One day, as he was hunting and snaring birds in the forest, a crow spoke to him and suggested he would gain more by going after men, and praised the wealth of "Dan and Danp". The poem breaks off incomplete at that point.

It's Pronounced "Co-Nun-Grr" and most call me Kon "Con" or Kong .

Also, apparently Christopher Paolini uses the word as part of his Dwarven Language in his Inheritance Trilogy with the same meaning, but he modifies one or more of the vowels with a special character.
Lol Joux.

Whenever I saw your name in the forums before, I would mentally pronounce it Jooo like beef au jus. I will now think Jukes from now on.

It's an entertaining name, I made it up for my shaman a long while ago actually, it's a word that I decided accurately describes the feeling of plopping into a bed and falling asleep at 3 in the morning when you are utterly exhausted.

Generally it gets shortened to Gwar, I've seen Gwarf, at one point I was called Gwarphy Warphy but that's different :P

I dunno where I got it from, but I felt like having a non-silly name for my main.
Sail - fa.

I often get people calling me "sail - if - A" when they don't know how to pronounce it. Guildies often call me "sail" or "Sofa".
I pronounce mine Bob-The-Druid. Most people call me Bob.
Deleted by Valeor
Like it sounds: lagomorph

Its a type of rodent but most people probably think im a type of lag thats morphing : /

People keep pronouncing it SEAL T_T.
Grawn-rr? Groan-ruh?

I have no idea what I was thinking when I came up that name. Not even I know how to pronounce it anymore.

a lot of people pronouce it like Dee-os

dont like it
bull ganks not bull gan-x...
Fathom (depth or incomprehensible thought, whatever)
Fat Hom - Foreign people in vent
Fath - Lazy ppl
Faith.... Rare

Greatest Ever.
too-lee-kock-oh (how its pronouced)

too-lick-ko (been called)

too-lee-coke-oh (been called this too)

tuli (short)


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