Saturday, April 21, 2012

How are you healing in raids

I'm starting raiding tomorrow with a group who has been clearing normals + heroics for a bit so they don't care that I'm terrible, but I don't understand how you heal stuff

So the boss is chain nuking your raid for 50k every 5s or so, and all you have is a nerfed Rejuv where if you keep on everyone (I do 10s) you have one spare gcd every cycle, presumably for growth (which only hits 6 of the 10) ... meanwhile that entire Rejuv is only healing about 25-35k based on crits and the growth is another 10-12k

You can't lifebloom, you can't use a casted heal, you have no other ae heals, and the only thing log form will give you is 2 extra growth targets

What am I missing
You're looking at Chimaeron's Feud phase, I guess.

You're worrying too much. You have 2 other healers helping you, and between the 3 of you, keeping 10 people alive isn't that hard, especially if you rotate cooldowns (ToL and Tranquility).

The important thing is you have 15 seconds to get people high before the first slime, then 5 seconds before the second slime, and 5 more seconds before the third slime, then 5 seconds to get everyone to 10k.

Generally, your best bet (when not using Tranquility) is to Wild Growth and chase the buff with Rejuvenations. Don't forget Efflorescence if you have that.

It gets even more challenging in heroic. Not only do you have to help top the MT up in the first few seconds of Feud, but there will only be 2 healers healing the raid through the Caustic Slimes.
Feud is best handled with Efflo, WG, and splitting up the raid among the other healers. We set up a Tranq/Hymn rotation and that helped a lot. Also, Glyph of Regrowth is totally OP for that fight. Use it.
I just got put on tank healing for it. :( They felt that I couldn't keep up because Nourish was too slow, and Rejuv wasn't immediate.
yeah, just wildgrowth and hit the people that have WG with rejuv, if your having trouble keeping people up with that your other healers are slacking
If this is chimaeron you're talking about, glyph of regrowth helps tremendously, because not only does it provide a constant heal, it almost guarantees mastery on your group.

Since you said you're just starting, i'm going to assume you have entry-level raid gear
Any other fight, you use WG alot (most fights on cool-down) and then nourish them back up. Make sure your raid frames show who has your HoTs active. When you're just starting out raiding, you have to be very careful with your rejuv usage because your mana pool just won't support sustained use of it.

Use your innervate when you've used up ~20% of your mana, so you get the full benefit and you'll have it up later on in the fight.

Tree of Life, while also providing a boost to your healing, is a great mana conservation CD as well. Lifebloom is a cheap spell that will provide a decent amount of output when stacked and allowed to bloom on multiple targets, which also procs constant CC that allows instant regrowths

Use swiftmend + efflo strategically (stacked groups) and when someone isn't in immediate danger of dying, slowly bring them up with nourish.

Closing note: No one person can do everything, trust your other healers to help.

or reroll holy priest. trollface.jpg

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