I want someone to write me an addon.
What follows is the clearest description of what the addon does that I can think of.
1) it removes from my screen the graphics for everything but me, hostile presences, and my target. Hostiles in range will be grayed out, my target will be in color, I will be a silhouette. No art, no background. Nothing but clean white (or black, or gray, or whatever color your eyes prefer) real estate.
2) It changes all spell effects and sources of debuffs, damages, etc, incoming AND outgoing, to blobs of color, varying in transparency according to intensity. i.e. Light raid damage would be easy to see through, a heavy incoming shadow crash that will kill me? Solid. Obvious.
Now that all but the essentials have been removed, the rest of the screen can now be filled with the following:
1) eclipse energy bars
2) DOT timers
3) proc timers
4) proc alert signals
5) scrolling eclipse uptime results, expressed as a graph
6) enrage timers
7) buff timers
8) debuff timers
9) scrolling headline feeds from wow insider and mmo-champion
10) a calculator
11) a picture of a dancing squirrel, y'know, for fun
How possible is this?
i'm not a programming person, but it seems that would be impossible without doing something against tos. namely, blanking out the entire screen and moving your model and the models of hostiles above it (think photoshop layers, with you and enemies on top, a grey screen below that, and everything else below the screen). i don't think you're allowed to affect models that much. although i'm sure if you tried it and didn't exploit anything with it, no one would care.
Now, I understand the dancing squirrel picture (who DOESN'T want this on their screen!?!)... but why a calculator?
and if this was to actually happen, I would gladly watch the video boss fight ^.^
not at all.
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