Saturday, April 21, 2012

Is this the correct rotation?

So I am Finally going to start raiding in Cata after months of not being able to(guild raid, and they have done it lots of times so learning the mechanics and such should be fine), so in preparation I want know the best rotation to use, this is the one I've been using in dungeons (specifically the bosses) so far and would like peoples opinions on it:

-Pop berserk the second I hit the boss
-Hit Mangle/Rake/Shred (in that order) and hit shred a couple more time if I need the combo points
-Savage roar and quickly spam shred so I can get rip before berserk wears off
-After berserk wears off I hit Tigers Fury and spam shred for the rest of the fight, followed by rake and Mangle for the debuffs and I always hit TF the second it's available.
-When the boss is below %10 I usually use Ferocious Bite to help finish it off
-Depending on the fight, I sometimes use Skull Bash.
-I don't normally pop Berserk a second time because fights are usually over by the time it is ready.

So how is this? Any improvements I should make?

Suggestions forum?

Where is it? Devs don't read Druid forum, can't find suggestions :P
IS there a suggestions forum anymore?
Your best bet is the PTR forum idf it is related to the recent PTR changes. If not then I guess maybe general discussion.
Devs do read the class forums.

If you have suggestions about druids, they go here.
Devs do read the class forums.

If you have suggestions about druids, they go here.

Nope. They go in the general forums IF they are good and well-thought out ideas that would keep class balance (ie no super powered abilities)
Devs do read the class forums.

If you have suggestions about druids, they go here.

Nope. They go in the general forums IF they are good and well-thought out ideas that would keep class balance (ie no super powered abilities)


Every single blue post on the matter says that suggestion posts go in the most appropriate forum, or General if there's no specific one. Dungeon and Raid suggestions go in the Dungeon and Raids forum. Class suggestions in the class forum. PvP suggestions in the Battlegrounds or Arena forums.

So if you have an idea for how to improve the Druid class, yes, it goes here.

Rip is Broken for cat druids

On some fights, rip works as intended. Other fights, rip is barely doing any damage at all (5%).I know my char, been my main for years, one of the hot fixes has broken rip. Other cat druids i talk to all say the same.We are barely competitve with rip working, without it, honestly i dont want to play this toon, the dps is horrid. Please look into this bug and post progress. Thank you
It's a Bug, it is known, it is getting fixed.

Edit: Devs Don't Read The Class Specific Forums.
Ahhh, ok ty so much, im happy to hear its a known issue, however i cant find it anywhere
my rip is doing like 10% of the dmg it normally does

rly annoying
Posted on the rip bug thread. Posting here for posterity.

So I had DI for the first time tonight ever since two spriests were not in raid.

My rips were averaging for 2.1k and critting for over 4k.

Got rid of it and it seemed to be back to normal. WoL is offline right now but I'll come back when it's back to show you this amazing information.

How are you healing in raids

I'm starting raiding tomorrow with a group who has been clearing normals + heroics for a bit so they don't care that I'm terrible, but I don't understand how you heal stuff

So the boss is chain nuking your raid for 50k every 5s or so, and all you have is a nerfed Rejuv where if you keep on everyone (I do 10s) you have one spare gcd every cycle, presumably for growth (which only hits 6 of the 10) ... meanwhile that entire Rejuv is only healing about 25-35k based on crits and the growth is another 10-12k

You can't lifebloom, you can't use a casted heal, you have no other ae heals, and the only thing log form will give you is 2 extra growth targets

What am I missing
You're looking at Chimaeron's Feud phase, I guess.

You're worrying too much. You have 2 other healers helping you, and between the 3 of you, keeping 10 people alive isn't that hard, especially if you rotate cooldowns (ToL and Tranquility).

The important thing is you have 15 seconds to get people high before the first slime, then 5 seconds before the second slime, and 5 more seconds before the third slime, then 5 seconds to get everyone to 10k.

Generally, your best bet (when not using Tranquility) is to Wild Growth and chase the buff with Rejuvenations. Don't forget Efflorescence if you have that.

It gets even more challenging in heroic. Not only do you have to help top the MT up in the first few seconds of Feud, but there will only be 2 healers healing the raid through the Caustic Slimes.
Feud is best handled with Efflo, WG, and splitting up the raid among the other healers. We set up a Tranq/Hymn rotation and that helped a lot. Also, Glyph of Regrowth is totally OP for that fight. Use it.
I just got put on tank healing for it. :( They felt that I couldn't keep up because Nourish was too slow, and Rejuv wasn't immediate.
yeah, just wildgrowth and hit the people that have WG with rejuv, if your having trouble keeping people up with that your other healers are slacking
If this is chimaeron you're talking about, glyph of regrowth helps tremendously, because not only does it provide a constant heal, it almost guarantees mastery on your group.

Since you said you're just starting, i'm going to assume you have entry-level raid gear
Any other fight, you use WG alot (most fights on cool-down) and then nourish them back up. Make sure your raid frames show who has your HoTs active. When you're just starting out raiding, you have to be very careful with your rejuv usage because your mana pool just won't support sustained use of it.

Use your innervate when you've used up ~20% of your mana, so you get the full benefit and you'll have it up later on in the fight.

Tree of Life, while also providing a boost to your healing, is a great mana conservation CD as well. Lifebloom is a cheap spell that will provide a decent amount of output when stacked and allowed to bloom on multiple targets, which also procs constant CC that allows instant regrowths

Use swiftmend + efflo strategically (stacked groups) and when someone isn't in immediate danger of dying, slowly bring them up with nourish.

Closing note: No one person can do everything, trust your other healers to help.

or reroll holy priest. trollface.jpg

Weapon Damage Does matter??

Fury Swipes says it deals 310% "weapon damage" is this actually based of the weapon or the druids damage?

All the other abilites (mangle, shred, etc.) just say XX% "damage" which is why i'm a little confused.

Can anyone clear this up?
Fury Swipes says it deals 310% "weapon damage" is this actually based of the weapon or the druids damage?

All the other abilites (mangle, shred, etc.) just say XX% "damage" which is why i'm a little confused.

Can anyone clear this up?
Your weapon's damage is normalized to a certain speed. It uses the weapon's normalized damage.
Edit to clarify: Weapon DPS is still what you're looking for, as far as I know.

"Weapon DPS - Directly scales white damage, Fury Swipes, Swipe, Ravage, Mangle and Shred. Weapon damage is normalized to 1.0 second atttack speed, so weapon speed and damage range are irrelevant - only Weapon DPS matters." Straight from the sticky.">">
The way weapons scale in forms is as follows. It takes the dps of your weapon (the actual value, lets say 100 for ease) and multiplies it by the base speed of the form you are in. Cat druids have a 1 second swing, so the weapon damage portion will be 100 on each swing. For bear, they get a 2.5 second timer and the weapon equates to about 250 damage on each swing. So in general, higher dps weapons will increase the damage of all your non bleeds (which scale with ap).
The actual "dps" of your weapon will make the largest difference in your damage over any other gear upgrade. It is yummy!

yes, size does matter. if she says differently, she's just trying to be nice to you.

oh wait.

How do you play LSD?

Hello, are there any good guides on how to play this comp?

A couple of friends and I gave it a shot but we kept losing. We tried DoT'ing up people and focusing the healer but it didn't work out for us.

Should we be focusing the damage dealers and CC'ing the healer instead? Any tips you guys can give would help us out tremendously, ty in advance.
Bump, I really need help please.
put full dots on whats easiest to kill. cc healer, should have 2 targets cc'd at all times. root/solar beam mostly on healers. play defensive in the 1st few minutes till u guys got full dots rolling then its pretty much an auto win.
There is no reason your comp should ever try and kill a healer. Now if the opportunity presents itself sure, but you tend to over extend too much to do it.

Basically you want to spread your dots around on the dps, when i played the comp we also dot'd pets (after dps are dot'd) your cyclone and roots should be used to peel off your teammates when needed, and your lock and shaman do what they can to peel for you. Dont be afraid to reset and use LOS often. More often then not the druid will be focused in this comp so plan accordingly. Setting up good cc chains on the healer will net kills in most situations (or big CDS on the dps part) when you can cyclone->fear->root->solar beam->hex. If used correctly thats a solid 32 second cc chain. There are variables and you will have to improvise IE getting locked out or cc'd yourself. If you are close to a kill dont be afraid to use solar beam as an interupt it does lockout schools.

There are more aggressive LSD2 comps that dot everything, it is a viable strat basically same idea but you can easily over extend doing it. The damage you do on 2 targets is enough to oom any healer especially if you line up your cc right forcing them to use big heals, and doing this you can still play defensive when needed.
apply face to keyboard, move face left to right, move face right to left, repeat as needed.
Survive the initial rush down...if you can make it through the offensive CD's you are golden. DOT everything up..pets included..pop starfall on CD, (try to get decent position so it isnt interrupted too easily). Any arena with a Z axis, typhoon opponents off bridge/platform.

Be prepared to do a little off-healing as well.

Really your lock should be controlling the playing field with constant fears. Instant AOE fear, death coil and casted fear is mighty powerful. Fear something twice and than cycle to different player while DR resets. If you can coordinate fearing a dps and cycloning the healer at the same time...bonus points.
I think you accidentally a word.

Can someone give a good reason for..

Deleted by Baskoh
Spamming the forums with the same post again is a !@!* move.
Didnt realise the other was actually created, had some funny business on my end. No harm meant good sir.

Remove Corruption / Soothe macro?

Is there a macro that will cast Remove Corruption on a friendly, but cast Soothe on a non-friendly target?

As I'm leveling I'm getting new abilities and want all to be macro ready for pvp. I think I'll be on these forums every few hours / few days... sorry for that =(
Deleted by Wolffury
I don't think he's looking to cast them at the same time. I think he wants it to recognize the whether the target is friend or foe and cast the appropriate spell.

Something along this line might work, but I haven't tried it out and can't be 100% sure on that.

/cast [help] Remove Corruption; [harm] Soothe

Derpie above me has it working just fine for ya.

Also, the icon will change by default based on whether or not your target is friendly or not.
I don't think he's looking to cast them at the same time. I think he wants it to recognize the whether the target is friend or foe and cast the appropriate spell.

Something along this line might work, but I haven't tried it out and can't be 100% sure on that.

/cast [help] Remove Corruption; [harm] Soothe

Thanks a ton dudes =D
That help me too then I was wondering about that :D
Yes, thankyou so much for asking this and thankyou so much for answering i have been looking for a macro like this for a while :)
These forums are full of nerds that like writing macros. Never be afraid to ask.
I don't think he's looking to cast them at the same time. I think he wants it to recognize the whether the target is friend or foe and cast the appropriate spell.

Something along this line might work, but I haven't tried it out and can't be 100% sure on that.

/cast [help] Remove Corruption; [harm] Soothe

I prefer to write these kinds of macros like this:

/cast [harm] Sooth;Remove Corruption

1. [help] implies you have a target. By leaving out the [help] you will cast RC on your helpful target or, if you have no target at all, on yourself. This can also be written as:

/cast [harm] Sooth;[help][] Remove Corruption

This part doesn't apply to this particular macro, but I also usually prefer [nohelp] to [harm]. Neutral mobs are not considered [harm] until they are in combat. That wouldn't matter for sooth because you wouldn't sooth a mob that wasn't in combat yet. But for things like roots or hibernate, sometimes [harm] doesn't work out of combat. [nohelp] gets both neutral and hostile mobs.

/cast [@mouseover][help][@player] Remove Corruption; [exists] Soothe

"Exists" functions the same as "harm". This macro should function the same as most good @mouseover macros (if you use mouseover macros like I do) and still cast Soothe if you've got an enemy target. Not sure if it's written correctly, however. I'm not in a position to test it at the moment.

As far as... goes,

As far as gearing a S10 resto druid goes, what trinkets will you be using? Becuase most if not all restos right now split their set bonuses, and that vouches for a free PvE trinket. Now, that we are losing 400 resilience, what extra trinket will you be using?

Normal Mode Tank Health

Just wondering if my gear / reforges are correct? I seem to have lower HP than tanks running around in an equivalent gear score.
Get rid of DMC:Earthquake. It sucks terribly. Get an agi trinket there. Reforge legs and belt to dodge. Get the agi shoulder enchant.

Other than that, you're fine. Your stam will be lower than other tanks since we stack stam less then them.
You should get heroic tia's grace from lost city. Its a great trinket.

Entangling Roots Combat bug (must read)

Deleted by Maikopl
Read the patch notes, mkay?
*%#@ing night elves....

it's supposed to put you in combat in pvp, but the pve side is intended to make CC easier in dungeons.

Newb cat weapon question

Hi Druids,

This is my second druid and I played the other one feral offspec at 80, but didn't level him feral, so I never ran into this question. Any help/knowledge would be appreciated.

Up till now, I've been using Repurposed Lava Dredger, but it stops growing at lvl 80. So I was pleased to get Beakless Polearm in Vashj'ir. However, I noticed my character sheet indicated my damage and my dps were lower (in cat and caster) with the 272 polearm, even though the weapon damage (and stats) were much higher. I don't seem to experience any improved damage either since upgrading.

Is there some reason this polearm isn't actually better than the BoA mace at 80? The weapon damage and stats on the mace are the same in-game for me as they appear on mouseover in this post.

Weapon dps is all that matters as far as picking weapons for kitty dps. Pick the one with the higher DPS, not damage range, top end, whatever, just dps.

Stampeding Roar change - Idea

So blizzard plans to make it a root breaker. Honestly the only class I think this is going to help me with slightly, is a hunter other that that its only going to be a bonus when vsing other classes.

Now we all know that an ice mages can dominate ferals with their endless roots. We will have 2 root breaking abilities but what I can see happening is getting rooted in quick succession, for example a frost nova and then an ice barrier breaking frost nova. So we will be just breaking from one root straight into another.

What I would like to see happen to stampeding roar is something like masters call like hunters have.

Do you guys think having a short root immunity attached to stampeding roar OP?

Dark Intent on Resto Druid vs. DPS in Raids

I've been doing a lot of research on resto druids to prepare for the quick jump into raids I'll be doing once I'm 85 and geared. Getting my ducks in a row per say. One of the things I've noticed in my research, is that certain haste breakpoints for a resto druid can greatly increase the healing output that can be achieved. I also always see Dark Intent mentioned when talk of breakpoints is broached, so I figured that if there was a warlock in the raid comp that it could be used on me. Especially as it would also allow for a different balance of your stats (if you could previous obtain the 2kish haste breakpoint in just gear+5% haste buff, or if it pushes you far over) for more throughput.

I was recently told that no 'sane' warlock would ever put Dark Intent on a healer, and would instead use it on a dps. It was my understanding that the haste, and nominal dps/heal % bonus from the procs, would be put to better effect on a resto druid than on just a dps. I also figured due to the blanket style of HoTs and use of WG, that more crits would be proc'd by me to benefit the warlock than a normal dps would. While agree on other healing specs, the haste may not give such amazing breakpoints as it does for a HoT based class.

Is this a lack of understanding on one side, or is there only certain circumstances where the buff is better off on a certain dps vs. a resto (raid healing) druid?

Any and all information would be helpful as, if it does turn out to be more beneficial to me, I will need some supporting evidence for it.
I think it has more to do with:

Does your raid need more healing or DPS atm?

DI is nice to have at times but it won't make or break your performance.

Also, feel free to read up on it here:
It really doesn't matter tbh, if your raid is coming down to the point where a DI target makes / breaks you, something bigger is wrong.

That being said, if a lock wants the most overall benefit for the raid, I'd say it'd go to Spriests, as it's still a large DPS boost to them.

Spriest / Rdruid / Aff Lock as a DI target will almost guarantee 100% uptime for the casting warlock.

In our raids, both rdruids get a DI, and the Spriest will get one if we run a 3rd warlock. It's just personal preference.
There's a lot to this.

Dark Intent is only useful to druids who need that %3 to reach a breakpoint. We only have two breakpoints we concern ourselves with right now: 915 (easily attained) and 2005 (tricker, but fairly easy after enough epics are acquired). If you have Dark Intent, you only need 1573 Haste to get the 2005 benefit (9 ticks on WG/Efflo).

So if a Druid has between 915 and 1573 Haste, there is no reason to give them the buff.

If a druid has between 1573 and 2005 haste, the only reasons to give them the buff is in the absence of a DoT-based DPS (because DoT/HoT specs will have a higher uptime for the
Lock's personal DPS) or if the group NEEDS that bonus healing to complete the encounter (very common in progression content, where learning the mecahnics is more important than worrying about the enrage).

If the druid has 2005 haste or more, the buff will always be better off given to a DPS, since the reduced fight duration from the extra filler nukes helps us more than a fraction of a second shaved off Healing Touch.

Edit: I also want to add that there's a pitfall to gearing to exactly 1573 haste on the assumption that you get a single-target buff. If there's only one Warlock, and two resto druids that did of you will have 650 haste that should be Mastery instead. If he gives the buff to a Shadow Priest, BOTH of you have wasted itemization.

If you can reach 2005 without losing too much Intellect, you should do so. That lets the buff go to DPS without any question of optimal placement.
It's really hard to quantify the DPS increase to the warlock due to the nature of healing. It's easy to rate each DPS class because they have an ideal rotation that you can simulate. In comparison healers are just hitting buttons at random. This is why the benefit to the warlock isn't talked about much, there's no hard numbers to back this up.

It's not true that no sane warlock would put DI on a healer. It's a very good idea to move DI from DPS to a healer when you're learning content and/or you're having healing issues with the fight. It's also arguably better to put DI on a Resto druid than it is for a warlock 'circle jerk' to happen.

Also, if you're trying to get a lock to put DI on you more consistently, point out how huge a throughput increase just the haste is for the properly prepared druid. The extra tick of Wild Growth and Efflo constitutes a lot of healing, but you have to be prepared by having at least ~1575 haste to get there. If you aren't at all sure if you're getting DI or not that haste is a waste.

Does your raid need more healing or DPS atm?

DI is nice to have at times but it won't make or break your performance.

Well, given how important haste breakpoints are for Resto Druids, it can give an very nice bonus if the Resto Druid can hit the WG breakpoint with it.

But yeah, it's mostly about what your raid needs more.

A raid healing Resto Druid that uses WG on cooldown grants the best uptime to the lock. With the 4.1 nerf to DI for the non-Warlock that might become more important. But Spriests with their 4 DoTs aren't far behind.
Thanks for the information and helping me understand. :)

Edit: For reference, I would be freshly experiencing the raid content, so maybe if it let's me hit the WG break point it would be good while I'm learning. For all I know I'll never get to use DI, but this helps me immensely!
I never wanted DI for the haste - I wanted it for the 9% increase to my HoTs. Although now that we only get 3% I don't know if I'll want it as bad ;)

I always ask the lock for it with the promise that he'll probably have 100% uptime on the buff. And like other people said, it depends on the dps you have in the raid. If there isn't one that will have high uptime then it should go to you.
I think it has more to do with:

Does your raid need more healing or DPS atm?


As far as the lock is concerned, a good DoT class should have the same up time as a good resto druid. So, it's up to your raid and the specific encounter as far as which recipient would benefit more.
I want to clarify two things I've read in this thread

'druids have two break points we worry about...'

Should read resto druids. Balance druids will take your 2005 haste and ask for more. And then some more with a side of haste topped with haste and a nice big glass of haste to wash it down. And don't worry we save room for our dessert, haste cream with a haste berry on top covered in haste sauce. We do not have a haste cap that is obtainable in this tier of content with out being stupid. And no Bloodlust/heroism/time warp don't count since they're short term buffs.

And then there was something about putting DI on an affliction warlock. No. So much no. You will never want to put DI on another warlock because the buffs don't stack. You will always want to put it on another DoT/HoT class.
I want to clarify two things I've read in this thread

'druids have two break points we worry about...'

Should read resto druids.

I did point out the DoT-based DPS specs have filler nukes they'll always want more of. =)

And then there was something about putting DI on an affliction warlock. No. So much no. You will never want to put DI on another warlock because the buffs don't stack. You will always want to put it on another DoT/HoT class.

That's something I didn't know, and it's also rather lame. =/
I did point out the DoT-based DPS specs have filler nukes they'll always want more of. =)

Yeah, there's just been a lot of confusion over DI, which is odd since it's pretty simple really.

I've had people tell me healers with very little reliance on HoTs should get priority because of the haste. Even though that nerfs the raid DPS two fold and does little to increase the healing output.

I don't understand what's so hard to get about

'this buff gives haste, and when a DoT/HoT crits the warlock gains a dmg buff to their DoTs, likewise when the warlocks DoTs crit the recipient of DI gets a dmg buff to their DoTs/Hots.'

Windwalker or +130agi for wep?

For feral tanking. i happened across this chant today and it looks sexy!!!
But i'm not sure if the 130 agi i already have is better or not.

Help wanted for this tempted and confused cub :)
130 agi is far stronger.
From Reesi's sticky:

Agi v Windwalk depends on the content you're tanking. For normal mode and heroic tanking, you want 130 Agi. For heroic raiding, Windwalk pulls ahead.
I oughta reword that to: Windwalk pulls ahead assuming high uptime.
also, hybrid specs would use the agility.

Glyph of barkskin and Thick hide

Does the crit reduction on it stack?

If not, im thinking of putting those 2 points on fury swipes for pvp. I might have to check how greatly reduces my armor in bear tho... thats always welcome for flagrunning.

EDIT: Then again, natural reaction is getting buffed, so maybe I dont need the extra armor! :D
no one knows?
Reply hazy, try again later.

yes, they stack.

thick hide gives a flat 6% melee only anti-crit.

barkskin glyph gives 25% *all* anti-crit while barkskin is active (it's bugged or tooltip hasn't been changed). this is pretty huge, and will gut frost mage shatter damage (rogue shadow dance too).

i think NR is a far better choice then thick hide for feral pvp.
yes, they stack.

thick hide gives a flat 6% melee only anti-crit.

barkskin glyph gives 25% *all* anti-crit while barkskin is active (it's bugged or tooltip hasn't been changed). this is pretty huge, and will gut frost mage shatter damage (rogue shadow dance too).

i think NR is a far better choice then thick hide for feral pvp.

Oh definitely, but I have both lol. I dont know if fury swipes procs often while pvping since it only on auto attack, and I'll be having a 10% chance to proc, so once every 10 seconds (in a perfect world where druids have inmense uptime) and primal madness isnt worth it...

Its good to know they stack, it would give me a 29% anti-crit against melee when used, which is awesome :3

Any druids play more than 4 specs?

Hello folks.

Currently I have a pvp feral / pve feral and pvp resto / pve resto build. I have each talent spec macro'd (i have the wowhead API scripts on a macro) to help switch between specs. But I also want to try balance a try (pve only, not interested in boomkin pvp)

But here's the dilemma, Switching between feral <-> feral, and resto <-> resto, I don't have any issues with my action bars. However, I'm afraid when I switch between resto and balance, my talent specific skills will disappear off of my action bar. This is too much hassle to fix every time I want to respec.

Does anybody have any tips on keeping 3 distinct set of action bars? I'm trying to stay away from macroing them as I only have like 2 macro slots left anyway.. (unless you know of an addon that increases macro slots?)

Also, if you have any other tips on glyphing with ease, that would be wonderful.

Imo, just fill in the blanks. Talent specific abilities should be the easiest to keybind, as when you switch from one spec to another, you replace say Feral Charge with Nature's Swiftness, Swiftmend, or Starsurge, or you replace /cast !Cat Form with /cast !Moonkin Form.

Oh God. The dumb.

<3 Patch Days.
I pay monthly fees...i should be able to play tues...wait...

Druid roots how to improve....

Hello, to save time im just going to get to my point

Lately druids are having trouble with roots and i thought of an idea to help this problem.The nerf with druid roots was because of frost mages not being able to do anything vs a druid with the shifting in and out of the roots.

This seemed like a good idea but many druid after one week after the patch found out this was very bad fighting one. My solution to this problem is for blizzard to let druid shift out of roots every 20,25,15 sec this should make it far gain because any good druid pvper knows not to use a trink for a root but use it for a deep freeze.

This can only be used by fearl druid as it can be a passive or a 4th teir talent set with 0/3
the points can be 30/25/20 or if it needs to be lower 27/22/18 sec if needed depending on what need to be done.

Nothing thats been in the game for a very long time needs to be perma changed just twinked such as the berserk nerf could it make us immune to stuns instead of fear make it a glyph if needed.

These are just ideas and i will up date

Let me know what you think of them and tell me you think of a name or something i was thinking of Morphing in the shadows or something

Spot taken for more info/ideas and mabye the one i think is the best
Deleted by Jackenra

macro help plz

hey i was lookin to try out weapon swapping for heals
now i have it worked out to equip my healing weap when i heal but i cant seem to work it out to equip my feral weap when i switch back to cat or bear.
anyone know what im doing wrong?
It's been a while since I've messed with macros, still remembering the basics. The UI and Macro forums would be a better place to ask.
i'll try it out.. forgot there was such a thing haha

/cast Cat Form
/equipset Cat Gear

Feral DPS reforging questions.

I just switched from restro to kitty druid today and read up on rotations, equipments, and reforging. If i'm not mistaken, for reforging it should be Mastery > Haste > Crit right? Right now I am forging mastery into gear that dosen't have them and turning hit/exp. into haste. I was wondering, when should I stop putting haste and start putting points in crit?
Right now, all the stats are fairly equal with mastery slightly ahead. Unless you're min maxing, if an item has mastery, just leave it alone for reforging. If you are min/maxing, you should be simming it ( for max stats, since we have a bell curve. The more you up one stat, the worse it gets in comparison to other stats.

This will change in 4.2, and it will become even more important to sim it. In general, from what Konungr says, it seems like the priority will be Exp>=Hit>Mastery>Haste>Crit. But, mostly just sim yourself and see what your stat priority is.

Opening myself up for failure here.

Can someone help me become a better feral druid? I've been balance all throughout Wrath, and decided to switch it up for Cata.

I've got a feral (cat) MS, and Feral (Bear) OS. The gear that I have on, is the gear that I have for both specs.


Yes I'm aware there are a few PvP items on my toon, but without a steady flow of JP, (due to the fact that I don't have 6 hours to farm 4 or so 5-mans at a time) the gear was all I was able to get a hold of.

Anyway, I was wondering what I should be shooting for gear wise, and any talent changes that may help my MS, or OS.

Its a lot to ask of someone, but I haven't the slightest clue what I'm looking for. Aside from Agil, expertise, and mastery. Nor the gear that has those stats available to me.

Any advice? >.<
Can someone help me become a better feral druid? I've been balance all throughout Wrath, and decided to switch it up for Cata.

I've got a feral (cat) MS, and Feral (Bear) OS. The gear that I have on, is the gear that I have for both specs.


Yes I'm aware there are a few PvP items on my toon, but without a steady flow of JP, (due to the fact that I don't have 6 hours to farm 4 or so 5-mans at a time) the gear was all I was able to get a hold of.

Anyway, I was wondering what I should be shooting for gear wise, and any talent changes that may help my MS, or OS.

Its a lot to ask of someone, but I haven't the slightest clue what I'm looking for. Aside from Agil, expertise, and mastery. Nor the gear that has those stats available to me.

Any advice? >.<

The guides are your friend.

For each of your specs.

Need advice on Resto Trinkets.

It's basically a choice between
  • and
  • . Taking the rest of my gear into consideration, what is suggested? I've read the sticky and it says Int > Spirit. But I'd figured I'd ask anyway.
    Tear of Blood
    I highly recommend getting Mandala of Stirring Patterns though. Using Innervate on yourself while you have an additional 1926 Intelligence is great for insta-regen.
    I highly recommend getting Mandala of Stirring Patterns though. Using Innervate on yourself while you have an additional 1926 Intelligence is great for insta-regen.

    Oh I see what the rogue found funny well now. This is good made my lol

    Horrible Idea (Mostly Humorous)

    I want someone to write me an addon.

    What follows is the clearest description of what the addon does that I can think of.

    1) it removes from my screen the graphics for everything but me, hostile presences, and my target. Hostiles in range will be grayed out, my target will be in color, I will be a silhouette. No art, no background. Nothing but clean white (or black, or gray, or whatever color your eyes prefer) real estate.

    2) It changes all spell effects and sources of debuffs, damages, etc, incoming AND outgoing, to blobs of color, varying in transparency according to intensity. i.e. Light raid damage would be easy to see through, a heavy incoming shadow crash that will kill me? Solid. Obvious.

    Now that all but the essentials have been removed, the rest of the screen can now be filled with the following:

    1) eclipse energy bars
    2) DOT timers
    3) proc timers
    4) proc alert signals
    5) scrolling eclipse uptime results, expressed as a graph
    6) enrage timers
    7) buff timers
    8) debuff timers
    9) scrolling headline feeds from wow insider and mmo-champion
    10) a calculator
    11) a picture of a dancing squirrel, y'know, for fun

    How possible is this?
    i'm not a programming person, but it seems that would be impossible without doing something against tos. namely, blanking out the entire screen and moving your model and the models of hostiles above it (think photoshop layers, with you and enemies on top, a grey screen below that, and everything else below the screen). i don't think you're allowed to affect models that much. although i'm sure if you tried it and didn't exploit anything with it, no one would care.
    Now, I understand the dancing squirrel picture (who DOESN'T want this on their screen!?!)... but why a calculator?

    and if this was to actually happen, I would gladly watch the video boss fight ^.^
    not at all.

    resto pvp, healing touch and nourish

    should i not use one of these spells in pvp? when should i use them?

    I just got healing touch and haven't had a lot of time to test it, so can someone help?
    Never use nourish in pvp. Use healing touch on clearcasting procs.

    Thursday, April 19, 2012

    Feral Druid PvP

    What's Meerkat's armory again? I used the search feature and get some not so good druids...

    My hero.

    His best vid imo. Nothing I didn't already know but it helped anyhow.

    Efflorescence 4.1

    I tank heal and got 6.3% EH from Efflo and 6.1% from SM for the first 4 bosses in 10H BWD. I checked a high end raid healing druid in one of the 25 man uber guilds on my server and she got 9%. Looks like we have a winner.

    little more detail plox?
    In a 25man setting for the hour that I was able to raid last night, efflo for boss fights looked roughly like (successful attempts):

    Halfus HM: Efflo- 9.5% on mostly tank
    Twin Dragons Normal- 12%, lots of AOE dmg
    Ascendant Council Normal- 8.6%
    Cho'gal Normal- 10.6%

    These numbers are a lot higher than what efflo put out before. The twin dragons is the best example of optimal use of efflo for raid healing and resulted in a 12% effective heal rate. I predict it'll be even more powerful in more hardmodes where raid damage is much higher.
    These numbers are a lot higher than what efflo put out before.

    It's significant, beyond what a comparison of the percentages and ticks shows (which is itself impressive).

    Healing per target per tick dropped dramatically if more than six targets were in the circle. Any friendly creature with a health pool counted as a target, even if they're at full health, meaning bloodworms, DK temporary pets, Doomguards, etc all wound up nerfing an already small effect.

    The effect was prone to overhealing on targets that didn't need the effect at all.

    Since the effect now re-targets per tick, overhealing is reduced, and since it always selects the three targets who need it most, pets will only be consuming ticks if they are in danger of dying.

    We get 1-2 more ticks, based on haste.

    Total healing done in optimal conditions is %180 over 7 ticks to %324 over 9 ticks. The spell's output nearly doubled.

    The only downside is that the ticks can no longer crit -- but that's less important because if Swiftmend itself crits, the ticks are based off that value, and I've seen them tick for as much as 4k, compared to the average 750 health/tick on non-crits before the patch.

    The only downside is that the ticks can no longer crit -- but that's less important because if Swiftmend itself crits, the ticks are based off that value, and I've seen them tick for as much as 4k, compared to the average 750 health/tick on non-crits before the patch.

    I thought that also, but last night I was casting swiftmends on myself, the normal swiftmend and the crit swiftmend were ticking Efflo for the same amount(1900ish). I haven't tried it again today to see if it changed, maybe they fixed it.

    Boomkin PvP (LSD)

    Hey, I was asked by my 3's partners if I would want to throw my Druid on a team with a Resto sham and Lock as a boomkin. My Druid is a new 85, so I don't know much about the class. Bascially, what I'm asking is, what is my pvp "rotation" (yeah, I realize that doesnt work out 90% of the time, but what spells are effective and such? Because it seems like starfire would be nearly impossible to get off without being LoS'd or kicked, etc).

    Also, what stats should I go for?
    Just looking for basic tips, and a link to a guide if people know one, because I couldn't find much on ArenaJunkies.
    Moonfire Spam 90% of the time while you get trained...

    Lock has UA which the healer wont dispel if he is good. So you want to put your dots up on the opposing team, and so does the lock for dispel protection.
    So do we just AOE dot and silence etc? is that enough?

    And what stats should i go for?

    Trinket help

    Should I replace my Quicksilver Alchemists Stone with the Mirror of Broken Images or just use it for certain situations?
    You only use the Mirror for specific fights.
    Bad tanks use the same 2 trinkets for every boss fight.

    Good tanks have multiple trinkets and switch them out depending on the boss fight.

    What kind of tank are you ?

    Spell pen and kitty - PVP

    Hey, just wondering how much spell pen I need to gem for as kitty pvp. Pally aura is 195, do I need to get to their? or would 100 or 150 be enough?

    Just starting to try and get seriously into pvp, so any advice helps :)
    120 is all you need.
    I have 170 it seems to work, it's also what a druid I've been following to make sure I do kitty spec / gear right.

    my spec needs an update but I always forget.

    Skull Bash Macro for bear/cat?

    Looking for a macro that would check forms and use the correct skull bash for whichever form I'm in--or whatever is closest to that. Pretty much whatever would be better than just putting them both on a button and letting the wrong one fail.
    Man, these types of macros are all over the forums. Try a search.

    But since I'm here already:

    /cast [stance:1] Skull Bash(Bear Form); [stance:3] Skull Bash(Cat Form)

    For anything generally:
    /cast [stance:1] BEARFORM ABILITY; [stance:3] CATFORM ABILITY
    I also use a mouseover to mine as well so:

    /cast [@mouseover, harm, stance:1] Skull Bash(Bear Form); [@mouseover, harm, stance:3] Skull Bash(Cat Form); [stance:1] Skull Bash(Bear Form); [stance:3] Skull Bash(Cat Form);
    Here is mine. In caster form it Cyclones.

    #showtooltip [stance:1] Skull Bash(Bear form); [stance:3] Skull Bash(Cat Form); [nostance] Cyclone
    /cast [stance:1] Skull Bash(Bear Form); [stance:3] Skull Bash(Cat Form); [nostance] Cyclone

    Unheeded Warning or Unsolvable Riddle?

    Deleted by Chikatree
    Nevermind i knew it was unheeded warning. my rogue friend was just being stupid -_-

    druid or warrior?

    decided i would make a warrior or druid but i dont know much of either class. im leaning towards druid because they seem fun and versatile, but warriors seem fun too. i want a class that can deal damage fast or strong but also take hits or at least survive a good fight easy. just want to know how either class is in pve,pvp, instances, the basics. any opinion will be appreciated, thanks in advance.
    Warrior will be able to take more hits and do insanely high damage. My disc priest doesn't even get phased by a feral druid in arena, they hit so low it's laughable, but a warrior can really lock someone down and hit them hard. Plus all specs on druid are really squishy and they don't prove much of a challenge to kill unless they're a really good player or fully geared.

    PvE-wise, feral druids are doing really high dps, so I've came across.
    I leveled to 85 w/ a balance druid, recently leveled a warrior to 71, and PVP pretty regularly on balance and more recently PVP w/ feral.

    Balance is still the most fun to me of any classes I've tried, but it is very underpowered (and getting worse in the next) in PVP, so it will be frustrating. Feral PVP (while still pretty new to me) is very fun, and I don't know if I'm just biased b/c I'm used to balance, but I think it gives you a lot of tools and versatility for PVP.

    Warriors are just plain overpowered (PVP). I rolled one, b/c they're overpowered, and while I can't give you the full lvl 85 picture from playing one myself, even leveling it so far has been a joke. I one to two hit most mobs on the way up to 71 so far. PVP, you will have a huge advantage over pretty much everyone. Frost mages will prob be your toughest, but honestly- you're gonna be able to take down most classes with 3-4 buttons. What appeals to me, though, is they still have a ton of tools. So if you decide to actually put the time into it and learn the class (which most warriors I'm meeting in the ~1550-1700 2v2 and battlegrounds DON'T do), the class can go from overpowered to unstoppably dominant. Coming from playing a moonkin, that sounds like something I could use to get out my frustration.
    Warrior will be able to take more hits and do insanely high damage. My disc priest doesn't even get phased by a feral druid in arena, they hit so low it's laughable, but a warrior can really lock someone down and hit them hard. Plus all specs on druid are really squishy and they don't prove much of a challenge to kill unless they're a really good player or fully geared.

    PvE-wise, feral druids are doing really high dps, so I've came across.

    I may be wrong but a lot of this sounds wrong.

    From my experience playing a feral druid in PvP we do pretty good damage.
    Don't have a lot of experience in pve but from what I hear we don't do that great of dps because we scale awfully. This is why we are getting damage buffs next patch.
    There is some tremendously wrong information here. From a balance perspective, both classes are perfectly viable for tanking, pve dps or pvp. Any differences you may see are probably perception and player skill rather than real differences in the classes.

    Ultimately it comes down to the playstyle of the class. That's not something you'll have a very good handle on until you actually try them out. I'd suggest leveling each class up to the 40s to get a sense of how they play and pick the one you like the best.
    Warrior will be able to take more hits and do insanely high damage. My disc priest doesn't even get phased by a feral druid in arena, they hit so low it's laughable, but a warrior can really lock someone down and hit them hard. Plus all specs on druid are really squishy and they don't prove much of a challenge to kill unless they're a really good player or fully geared.

    PvE-wise, feral druids are doing really high dps, so I've came across.

    I may be wrong but a lot of this sounds wrong.

    You're not wrong Swag(3x). The person you're quoting is a severely uninformed mage. Not so much about warriors, they're all fine and dandy...but his druid claims are nigh laughable.
    If you want a challenge, then Feral druids are definitely better then warriors xD I have three druids because I think they're the funnest class, both in PvE and PvP. Feral druids are much better once you get some gear and some resilience. You'll find you'll be trained a lot, so knowing when to go on the defensive as well is a must.
    yeh im sorry but saying feral isnt competitive is ridiuclous. i trash warriors in a 1v1. feral druids are an incredibly fun and versatile class to play, if u havnt spent long in the pvp scene then go warrior, with the homgenization of half there abilities there an easy class to learn to play, feral druids skill cap is alot higher but pays off better in the end. plus with the new buffs coming feral will be just a little bit better
    I love my feral druid :)

    To me the biggest difference between a cat and a warrior is burst damage. As stated previously, warriors hit very hard and are tough due to the amount of armor they can carry.

    Cats can do a LOT of damage, but it takes a little longer to ramp it up due to our reliance on bleeds.

    I think druids take more finesse and I also enjoy their versatility.

    Hope that helps
    Warrior will be able to take more hits and do insanely high damage. My disc priest doesn't even get phased by a feral druid in arena, they hit so low it's laughable, but a warrior can really lock someone down and hit them hard. Plus all specs on druid are really squishy and they don't prove much of a challenge to kill unless they're a really good player or fully geared.

    PvE-wise, feral druids are doing really high dps, so I've came across.

    id rather pool my energy while my bleeds tick away at your shield and blow you up with 31-37k shreds the moment it drops.

    this guy doesnt know what hes talking about ferals are very strong, and can hit hard if u time everything 100% takes getting used to as pvp but once u master it Its very rewarding.

    heres a s/s i just took of me shredding a dummie

    I finally did it...

    I broke down and race changed to Troll. I tried to resist for as long as I could, but Berserking is such a fantastic ability, and hardmode progression demands DPS maximization.

    Forgive me, Tauren.
    Shame on you mon!
    You go troll to have the best hair!

    And those big, beautiful tusks.

    Seriously, I'm kind of sorry you had to pick a race just for its min/max racials. If it makes you happier, cool. It's always kind of cool getting a new toon...but there's an orc over on the hunter forums who just bemoans missing his "big furry cow butt" but feels that his guild makes him go for the better orc racials. Yeesh, I feel sorry for him.

    I kid.
    I know the feeling but i did worse i was a tauren but the call of the worgen was to strong. (SOB) I know that i can not go back but i ask that you forgive me my lack of faith in the earthmother.
    Lies, you went troll for the blue bear.
    Shoulda changed the name too...

    how do you kill resto shaman

    what are some tips/tricks to killing a resto shaman 1v1 as a feral druid<br/><br/>i know its 1v1 blah blah blah,what are some good tips tho,im driving blindfolded when i duel a resto shaman,resto druids u just clone their blooms,holy pallys clone their freedoms/radiance when they try to run,whats some tips for resto shams

    boomkin druid keybinds

    do boomkins have a lot of keybinds for pvp simple wuestion that is all
    Well yeah, you should try to keybind every ability.

    As a boomkin you're constantly dropping mushrooms, shifting in out of bear/travel/cat form along using all your other abilities.

    No matter what class you level, at max level if you want to be successful in PVP you need to try and keybind nearly everything

    Second Amendment - Boomkin talent

    Second Amendment:

    Grants the druid bear arms instead of chicken arms while in moonkin form. Allows the use of Bash (and causes bash to cost mana istead of rage) for 10 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.

    Do want.
    God no.
    Awesome name though.

    That was a fun Family Guy sketch.


    While the idea itself is fairly pointless, I love the name/description.

    While the idea itself is fairly pointless, I love the name/description.

    It would free up a macro slot for my druid. :S
    Wait. Pallies have Bear and Boomkin form now?
    Because we all have the right to bear arms.

    Why are Druids nerfed?Why nerf funnest type?

    Why are druids nerfed if, by looking around at characters, they are the most played type person. I am very displeased about this because I have a level 24 worgen druid and have been trying so hard to get to level 55. My friend says I should level my 22 hunter, Ällyse, but it's easier for me to level druids. I would like this nerf to be lifted and I think I speak for ALL druid players.
    You'll need to request this on the Druid Forum, Quar.

    CSF isn't liaison to the Devs.
    Nobody knows exactly how many people play druids except for blizzard. Besides, we won't be getting nerfed that badly, and it will in no way effect your low-level playing. The only thing it will effect is end-game multi-target situations.

    Feral Buffs(?) and QQing

    Wow, it seems like a lot of QQing over the upcoming feral changes from many classes. Why the paranoia about feral becoming average again?
    I don't see this focus on anyother class.
    because a lot of people have a very strange and very passionate hate for druids. but there are people who will #@*%@ and moan any time a class gets a buff. look at how many people hate mages, or rogues, or locks. basically any class that's really good 1v1 gets a lot of attention from people who like to whine.
    If ferals are already your achilles heel, you're going to cringe when you see feral buffs.

    If frost is already your achilles heel, you're going to cring when you see frost buffs.

    PVP is ultimately a game of paper-rock-scissors. Once you realize that, the buffs and nerfs are a lot easier to understand. They buff and nerf to make sure that paper always beat rock, not to make sure that rock beats paper.

    Edit: Skill is, of course, a variable. Paper will never beat rock if you don't pick up the piece of paper and cover the rock with it, after all.
    I wrote this out in the arena forums explaining the feral hate. I am 100% certain it all stems from the first few weeks of the season..

    Bleeds were bugged for like 2 weeks and were double dipping from mastery when people had zero resil. The bug got fixed, bleeds got an extra 10% nerf, people got resil, suddenly 15k bleed ticks turned into 5k and all was right with the world. However, it was such a big shock that people are traumatized. They got touched in the naughty spot and will harbor fear and resentment until they talk through their issues.

    Let me be the first to tell you all...

    It wasn't your fault. There's nothing you could have done. I know you might think you let it happen because you were dressed in that trampy PvE gear or because you lead that feral on with a suggestive emote. But it wasn't your fault! There are nasty bugs in the game that let unfair things happen to good people. You can't go through the rest of your life blaming yourself or hating all druids. Now show me on the doll where the bad feral double-rake crit you and we can start the healing process.

    How often do you actually see a feral in arena? Once every 20 games. But 50% TSG is balanced. Haters gonna hate

    Low DPS issues. Thoughts/help?

    So this is my main character. I came back to WoW in May after quitting during Lich King. I have been trying to get raid progressed (not the best of luck so far).

    My problem is that (completely unbuffed) at the training dummies I can only pull around 13 ish k dps. In raids it's generally 14 ish k. I know my rotation well and I've tried to enchant/gem properly. So what's up? Is there anything I'm missing?
    Read the sticky. Telling us that you know your rotation well does not tell us if you know what you are doing, only that you think you know what you are doing.
    I've read the sticky. I follow it's advice for my rotation, as well as for my talent tree, etc.
    Link Raid Parses/Logs. Oh, nevermind, you are on my server. I have access to post them myself.

    Halfus / V&T:

    TAC / Cho'Fail:
    I just transferred to this server from Norgannon (where they're pretty fail and don't keep logs). The guild I just joined might have like 2 parses from the BoT run I did with them. Just fyi though nobody was told what raid we were doing that night and I had never done the council or chogall before, so idk how accurate those might be.
    General advice is to double dot when you can (V&T, council), keep your dots closer to 100%. Try to stay in solar longer to dot things up and use your mushrooms when there's AE.

    Your gear and spec look fine, and it's hard to give boss specific advice when it's going to be obsolete in 2 days.

    It looks like you have a solid understanding of our single target rotation, but just don't know how to adapt to different situations in fights, like multiple targets, AE, movement, etc. Practice will make you get better at these things. You can also watch videos or read moonkin strategies.

    This guide includes links to videos and goes a little more in depth on alternate rotations than the sticky here does:

    And this is an excellent moonkin column about how to extend your eclipse time (I suggest reading some of the other posts in that column, too):

    ZA/ZG Feral tank gear

    Any of it upgrades from the 346 gear besides the Staff and necklace? Alot of it has hit or expertise where the 346 gear has crit/mastery.
    Boots definitely.

    Waiting for it to go live before I look at any of it in detail.
    Expertise/Mastery is just as good as Crit/Mastery until the expertise dodge cap.

    Staff, boots, helm, neck.
    thanks for the quick responses

    Dazed and confused

    I've never been one to pay much attention to "theory crafting." I'm not a math genius by any means and I'm not all together clear on how the math reflects the dps/performance of a character. I'm what you might call the "average Joe" when it comes to Wow. I have played a druid off and on through Vanilla WoW, skipping around to new classes as I tired of dealing with heavy Nurfs or class mechanic changes that just made the classes I spent 2 years playing a bore. I came back to Druid for Cata because of a love for the "do it all" theme that is the Druid. That said, I'm asking for some clarity, be it from Blizzard or from fellow players on the resent changes to the Feral Combat system. Like many others, while reading the patch notes, I see more nurfs, more changes and more neutering to druids both PVP and PVE. While I don't PVP I do have a growing concern for PVE. I don't tank often but when I do I find it hard to keep multi-target agro on large groups, and with the change in the way druid tanks generate agro I have to admit I'm confused and concerned more so in the ability of Druids to tank. I've seen some of the other posts here and read a few links but the math language of the explanations is lost on me. Perhaps someone could be kind enough to dumb it down or just explain it in a language I would better understand? How is a druid supposed to get instant aoe agro on groups when dps classes like Mages and DK are doing mass agro on mobs? Is there a rotation or something I do not understand?

    More importantly to me, the feral dps aspect, with the reductions in feral dps to major rotation abilities, does this mean I can expect to see my 20k dps drop to 15k? Why are these changes being made? What over power have druids shown to warrant a reduction in their dps output or do I not understand the full math of the subject? As far as I can see, I'm on par with dps Warriors, and Rogues, are these classes also having reductions? I've seen dps warriors spike 60k dps in gear the same level as my own. I could never hit that, so why are ferals being reduced? Again, maybe I don’t understand because of the "math" or some other factor but I would love for anyone that does understand the mechanic to break it down for me.

    Right, it's a boost not a nerf.

    Basically certain abilities had a plus X threat mechanic. That mechanic is gone and instead that bonus threat is now damage. So now you'll do the same threat but more damage. Also if you crit you'll do more threat than a crit before the patch. Additionally swipe is getting a CD reduction so you'll be able to use it twice as often.

    The end restult is a slight threat boost in single target, a huge boost in AOE threat and a large (1k ish) dps increase.

    edit: also enrage no longer makes us take more damage so now you can use it all the time for a threat boost. Is there any particular part of the notes you had a question about?
    Thanks Sarath, that makes things a bit more clear on the tanking side. Kurtadam I have that link and some aspects of that post still didn't make sense to me, again could just be the terminology of post that wasn't clicking for me but thank you for posting it.
    What issues are you having specifically. terminology is something we can easily explain.

    for so long, it's not true!

    wanted a women, never bargained for you.

    lots of people talkin', but few of them know....

    soul of a woman, was created below.

    force of nature

    is trees causing alot of lag when ever its casted in 4.1 for anyone else?
    It's probably an issue with an addon you're using, since when you summon treants you get a pet bar and a unit frame (I think, I have those disabled myself though)

    I'll have to log in and check.

    weapon enchant for kitty

    i have put mighty agility (130 agi) on my staff but im thinking of putting landslide on it instead or should i stay with the agi chant
    The Gospel According to Felix The Cat says +130 Agi. Always. Amen and Amen.
    even tho as kitty AP is good also correct ? so 130 agi over 1000 Ap which probly wont affect it as well as 130agi

    130 agi all the time is *much* better then a 1k ap proc some of the time.
    ahh k nps

    Fury Swipes vs Feral Aggression: PvP

    My question is, which is better for PvP? Fury Swipes, or Feral Aggression?

    Fury Swipes seems to give you a nice burst when proced.
    Feral Aggression gives Ferocious Bite more damage, and the 3 stacks of FF give more sustained DPS.

    My thoughts are Fury Swipes gives the nice burst, and you can always apply 3 FF's over the course of a encounter....Also FF gets dispelled.

    I see many druids choose Feral Aggression over Fury Swipes though, so I'd like to know everyones thoughts behind it.....Is the Fury Swipe proc not all that significant? or not proc often enough to be worth while?

    I also assume if in 4.2 Ferocious bite heals you, Feral Aggression will be more appealing.
    ferocious bite will just be a much better ability overall in 4.2, so FA will be much more attractive just because of that, the healing is pretty irrelevant (and it seems like the healing is glyph-exclusive again anyway, a glyph not worth using at all)

    on live FB is pretty awful, the only reason to spec that talent is (a) playing with another heavy physical DPS, since it's the most-easily-applied armor debuff and (b) the potential choices for your last point in a feral arena spec are all relatively awful anyway (primal madness, fury swipes, or FA, basically)
    Personally I think FS is beyond crap. The only reason I'm considering taking 1 point in it is because I want to take 3/3 perseverance with the amount of FDKs running around, and I feel 1/3 FS may be better than 1/2 FA. I'd probably keep FA if I were running with a warrior, but arpen doesn't help DKs much.

    EDIT: And of course FA will be standard next patch.
    FA, the stacks of ferie fire are nice, but also having FB burst can be pretty clutch. Against healers especially where you may have a short window to get the kill. Fury swipes are a proc, 3 stacks of FF, and 10% FB dmg increase is a for sure. I would say the for sure is easily the way to go. Dependability is key. Also I've been thinking about giving it a try mainly for bg's, but with the FA added FB dmg, taking the glyph of FB that at the moment makes it stop converting energy into dmg and for bg's and maybe arenas that could be really really nice. Not sure how it will work out tho... just a thought. Out of curiosity what was the heal % they where proposing for FB glyphed again?
    Also, don't bleeds not bypass armor? So since we need bleed dmg so much wouldn't 3 stacks or ferie fire be decently significant?

    Edit: Sorry i'm really tired and that was horribly worded, fail sentence lol. Don't bleeds bypass armor*.
    my opinion on it is both total crap and dont need either because i dont seem to ever see ferals use ff on anyone but druids and you dont stand still and auto attack much either in pvp i mean if u walk up to a mage and attack it it's not gonna just stand there nor any other player would
    Yeah, their should never be any auto attacking going on in pvp. If their is, it's a tiny amount, your proc rate is also tiny, %15 is it? I think FA takes the cake :).

    Help, few questions for my bear OS. :)

    Firstly, thank you for any responses, i am sure these posts get old.

    I am most likely going to be making my bear spec my main spec for 4.2 and i was wondering, first of all what, tier pieces should i buy once you can with JP?

    Also im pretty sure i have the right trinkets now after posting a forum question a while ago. But im still worried about my gems and enchants. Someone said a while ago said that having a few stam gems will help.. but if agi gems are the only way to go (bit confused in this regard) id love to know :).
    from what i understand from reading the sticky and having previously asking to have my gear evaluated as a feral, for red slots, agility ,(delicate inferno ruby) blue slots agility/stam, (shifting demonseye) for yellow slots, agility/dodge (polished ember topaz). and to only match socket bonuses if the socket bonus is +20 Agility or better.
    if im wrong, someone please correct me..

    so in other words, gem for as much agility as you can, and dont stray from it unless the socket bonus is worth it, or you need to use certain color(s) for your meta bonus.
    I know nothing about what tier pieces you should get, and not really all that convinced of any current T11 myself.. havent had a chance to look at any of the T12 or set bonuses,
    and believe one of the best trinket combos you can get as feral is Fluid Death, and Tia's Grace. Hopefully someone else comes along and reads your post and is more certain about it all.
    in any case, good luck with your feral gear, and good luck tanking in 4.2 when it arrives
    Firstly, thank you for any responses, i am sure these posts get old.

    I am most likely going to be making my bear spec my main spec for 4.2 and i was wondering, first of all what, tier pieces should i buy once you can with JP?

    Also im pretty sure i have the right trinkets now after posting a forum question a while ago. But im still worried about my gems and enchants. Someone said a while ago said that having a few stam gems will help.. but if agi gems are the only way to go (bit confused in this regard) id love to know :).

    If you're pushing content you undergear and need to health to be able to stay alive long enough to get heals, gem stam. If not, Pure agi in all sockets unless you need to make your meta (two yellows) or the socket bonus is 20 agi or higher. If so, yellows get agi/dodge, blues get agi/stam.

    For JP purchases, just go for iLevel upgrades. The legs are the only well itemized slot for t11, so get those first.

    And for the content you appear to be doing, your trinkets will be fine. I'd personally would use Tia's still, but either work.

    Staying alive

    Hi, I seem to have a problem with staying alive in PVP. This is strange to me, since I have almost 3.9k resil. My issue seems to be in 3's and in Rated Battlegrounds, are other druids (in full PVP gear) having this issue as well?
    If what you mean is "does feral survivability and self healing currently suck?" then the answer is yes.
    No. Because I'm not a Feral druid. I'm Resto.
    We're pretty weak against hard switches so in 3s try to make sure you have good positioning with los at all times and if you don't then make sure you have the cooldowns to survive. As for rbg, your best bet is to try and stay back otherwise just yell at some dps because you won't survive long in RBG if 3+ people are on you

    did they buff bear tank mastery savage defens

    before when you moused over the savage defense buff it didnt show how much it absorbed but it shows it now and im getting up to (depending on how high vengeance stacks) 13k+ savage defense absorbs...

    before the patch it didnt seem like it was absorbing as much and the multiplier is the same as far as i know?(absorb shield equal to 35% of attack power)

    soooo is it absorbing the same amount of damage now as it did before or was it buffed somehow?
    absorbing the same amount yes.

    buffed somehow? Slighty - the shield will now absorb multiple hits up to it's total value if the first aren't enough to completely remove it.
    It's the same. However, before this is how it worked (Assuming a 12k shield like you mentioned.)

    Savage Defense for 12k
    Mini mob hits for 4k (4k absorbed)
    Savage Defense fades.

    So it would go away on one hit no matter how big the hit was. Now it only goes away if the shield amount is surpassed. On bosses, they hit through your shield anyways, so it's nothing different.
    Shaman don't get Savage Defense until level 75

    Bear Form Suggestion

    I've been playing on my druid a lot lately, and as I've been tanking in ZA. I am fighting bears twice the size of me, and I feel small. I was just suggesting maybe increasing the scale of the bear form.
    Ugh please no, I am already a big fat cow and having to chug noggenfogger, I don't need to gain anymore weight.

    Wednesday, April 18, 2012

    Mastery question

    its prolly a stupid question and idk if this is the best place for it...
    however, im trying to find out how the bonuses from mastery are calculated.

    i have heard multiple theories and am not sure which to believe.

    more specifically.. do we only see bonuses from mastery when we reach the next whole number or are there minor gains to having say 10.4 mastery instead of 10 exactly?
    For every druid spec other than Balance, Mastery scales linearly. There are no breakpoints involved.
    good to hear. much appreciated

    feral or moonkin DPS?

    Hello, i used to have an 80 paladin and rogue in WOTLK but then i quit and deleted all my characters. Now im back, ive been leveling a troll druid for the past 2 weeks and i really enjoy it but i have 1 question. I purchased duel talent specilization and i am a moonkin/feral druid but i want to put resto in. Which one should i take out? I was thinking moonkin and just using the gear i have from it for resto. Ideally, my question is: What DPS spec is at the top right now for druids? Moonkin or feral?
    Well, at a low level I don't think it would matter much. Moonkin dps and Feral dps seems to be on par, but it seems that Moonkins are hurting a little more then Ferals. I think it all comes down to what dps spec is more fun for you to play, do you like being a bird that shoots lazors, or a kitty?
    Bird does more dps in a raid setting.

    Is it possible...

    to set it, to when you Prowl, that a seperate ActionBar comes up? Just like how it does for a Rogue when they stealth.

    Would it be possible to make a macro for it?
    You can do it with bartender, but you really don't need it. There's a grand total of 2 ability's that use stealth.
    Yes it is.

    /cast Prowl
    /swapactionbar 1 4 (Let's say 4 is the actionpage you want it to go to.)

    Then, what ever opener you use, other than feral charge, will have this:

    /cast (Whichever opener)
    /swapactionbar 4 1

    Now why we would ever need this, it is beyond me. We have two stealth required spells.
    It's not necessary to swap action bars. You can macro your spells using the [stealth] and [nostealth] conditions.

    /cast [stealth] Ravage; [nostealth] Mangle(Cat Form)
    Mine does it automatically. I never set it up. It drives me nuts. I had to put normal abilities into the stealth bar just incase I needed them. i.e. Dash

    Resto Stat caps

    I know the cap for haste is 915 at first, but I'm curious what everyone thinks about all of the stats. How much spirit, haste, mastery do you recommend? I'm still getting geared and have both a pvp and pve resto spec so what do you recommend and do you recommend that for pvp/pve
    I run slightly over the 1573 haste point because I get the raid %5 haste buff plus dark intent. This pushes me over the 21.43% needed for 9 ticks of Wild Growth
    916 (not 915) is a breakpoint, not a cap.
    @tangedyn sorry thats what i meant.

    We don't have caps. The more of everything that we have the better.

    I'm not a huge Mastery fan at the moment so I go full haste. Once I reach 2005 I may try Mastery out.

    Then you are doing it wrong, Any haste that cant help you reach a breakpoint is wasted stats that you can reforge to mastery for Increased healing output.
    So once i get to 916 haste I should try to reforge the extra to mastery until I can get to the 2005 haste rating?

    i run 2036 haste in pve (droping something puts me under 2005 or what ever) After that i like spirit then mastery. I think im at 11% or something but i really can tell a different.

    Its about how to stack your dots. Go bloom, bloom, Rej, Bloom to start on the tanks so that both will get the bonus. You can do sneaky things to get your hots the extra little bonuses.

    haste will alot increase your burst healing. More tick means more healing for the same amount of time.

    In conclusion, Find what the cut off pt is for the extra ticks. Get a few pts about that (i like to make sure) and then put the rest in spirit/mastery. Once you can get to the next pt reforge/gem/enchant to the next pt and rest in spirit/mastery.

    Ill try to log later in my pve gear. Oh and get rid of empowering touch. I did and have never looked back. Why for the burst healing. If i want to refresh it then i would recast bloom for 1k mana (with 131k drop in the pool) then stack dots on the tanks lets me then turn and focus on raid / other tank cause i know i have a 40k plus (depends on dots) hitting the tank. Just too many times i wanted to bloom but i needed to cast a heal too. Just some food for thought

    btw i double the resto or Hpal healing on my 10 man raids, just a little above the priest if he doesnt dps

    i like the 1pt for hit too. (pvp and cause i need to reverse heal/root/cylone/FF)
    2005 haste in my view is only for 25 man raiding as mastery sucks for 25.

    In 10's though the extra 26% heals i have from mastery out performs 2005 haste for me.

    I will be playing with haste again in 4.1 consider eff is effected by haste. Will be interesting to see
    2005 haste in my view is only for 25 man raiding as mastery sucks for 25.

    In 10's though the extra 26% heals i have from mastery out performs 2005 haste for me.

    I will be playing with haste again in 4.1 consider eff is effected by haste. Will be interesting to see

    I 10 man raid and have tried both ways. rough guess is I increased my healing about 50% from going to haste. And i can Wild growth/rej/Swift mend to Raid heal like crazy every 10 secs.

    If you hots heal for 25% more but Mine have 30% to 25% more ticks then i am doing the same or more with mult hots and alot more without mult hots. And all my casts are faster.

    Sorry on no bracers drops yet, i know they suck at dropping

    Trust me.... Go haste

    look at my gear and spec if you need help (should have pve on)
    What I would like to see if that when you change specs you it also switches your reforging.

    There are time in our 10 mans where there is no spell hate buff. Rare but does happen.

    I may have to go back to 2005 and give it a test again. The reason i went ach was to get the haste trinket
    Yea its hard to get the epics with haste. But i was just think that everyone get 12% from mastery so its really only 13% more with mastery. Yea give haste a try again.

    lol Yea but good thing is if you boomkin then you want haste o.O

    mad cause i lost helm and shoulders roll and have 4k pts to get the extra 400 spirit. i dont know why but i run through my mana like crazy. Dont run out but sometimes have to pots. But then again we like to try and 2 heal everything to make it go faster lol
    I 10 man raid and have tried both ways. rough guess is I increased my healing about 50% from going to haste. And i can Wild growth/rej/Swift mend to Raid heal like crazy every 10 secs.

    If you hots heal for 25% more but Mine have 30% to 25% more ticks then i am doing the same or more with mult hots and alot more without mult hots. And all my casts are faster.

    Sorry on no bracers drops yet, i know they suck at dropping

    Trust me.... Go haste

    look at my gear and spec if you need help (should have pve o
    depends on how you heal, yeah haste is better if your not using your mastery right.
    On paper 1090 haste is better then 1090 mastery. I have tried many of the Resto spreadsheets out there and notice a significant increase when going the haste route. Even as a 10man raider myself I will probably be switching to haste once for 4.1 hits, mostly because of efflorescence. But I also feel I can be a bit less focused when it comes to chasing my HoTs for symbiosis as I do now.

    You know what, we should be a mount!

    I wouldn't be surprised if at some point they add a quest chain of sorts that will allow us to change forms into a rideable mount.

    So for your consideration I give to you....

    Something like that but instead of Peter Griffin you have a Tauren lol.

    OOOOH!... and when we change into that form that music from the never ending story will play...Think of the possibilities.

    Mainly because I want a way of switching forms while flying to allow riders to plummet to their deaths, quite like when I use to jump off Dalaran on my Travelers Tundra Mount and kill people for giggles. <3 Flight Form.
    Lol, I would like to be a mount, I could make some money riding lowbies around to qeusting areas. :D
    You can, its the Sandstone Drake, I did the archaeology grind until I got it. (3rd jar)

    Chain quest once your 12/12?

    Someone informed me that there is some type of chain quest you can start once your 12/12 as a druid. Just seeing if this is true and where do you get it?
    You got had son.
    at a guess, someone dropped the Nef the same day as 4.1 added the new Troll quest chains in stranglethorn and assumed they were related?
    I was thinking it was the original idea that to do firelands you had to complete one or both of the T11 raids. (Which then got watered down to kill a boss, and now I think its been removed entirely)
    Probably thinking of the legendary staff quest line in 4.2, which originally was going to require clearing T11 to be eligible for the quest. Now it will just require a drop from a trash mob in firelands.

    Low level tanking?

    Is my armor good? I have no enchants or gems by the way. Also how do I keep AoE aggro besides spamming Swipe?
    Gear doesn't really matter while leveling as long as it's semi-recent and agi.

    For threat, try Swipe>Mangle>Swipe>Tab-Lacerate>Swipe repeat. Tab before using mangle or lacerate to get those abilities on multiple mobs.

    Druids of the Talon and Shadow Wardens???

    Any difference on which you choose for Druids? Specifically Feral???
    I could be mistaken, but I think you can eventually do both.
    You will eventually recruit both. You want to do Shadow Wardens first however because it will allow you access to one additional daily.
    You have to do both before being able to open up any of the Vendors, so it doesn't matter. The biggest difference, besides the extra daily (If it is really extra), is which side of the Lore you see first.

    Not a ToL QQ. Just a Q

    I am finding that in the heat of battle, I forget to use ToL. Or even that I have a ToL.
    When I have used it, it seems that I can't get LB rolling on everyone that needs it and still heal everyone properly.
    So, when do you all use ToL (i.e. what dungeon/raid bosses)? Under what circumstances? And how do you overcome the rolling LB issue that I've had?
    Just think when the best time to pop it would be and do so when the time comes. Any heavy dmg phase preferably.
    If you don't want to mess it up, pop ToL then tranq for heavy raid dmg then you can keep LBs rolling without being too stressed out cause everyone will be pretty much full heehe
    A lot of times I find it more useful in situations where you can predict lots of incoming dmg. In TOL form, you get 2 additional wild growth targets; so when massive AE dmg is coming up, pop WG then cast lifeblooms on people with your wild growth spell (that way LB benefits from mastery).

    If you are having a hard time remembering to use it, try *planning* to use it instead of letting it be a reaction to use it, if that makes sense.
    sadly i tend to use it when the tank doesnt realize there are adds on me. that extra armor helps me not die... as fast.

    Balance power tracker replacement?

    there any good addons to replace balance power tracker since its not working currently (for me atleast)
    update via curse came up last night


    We are taking to much damg from other players!


    and frankly, i think our survivability is pretty good right now, though i'd like to see a good way to regain some pressure in bear form (namely, PS procs on pulv / lacerate).

    "Buff our." "Are" is the plural form of "is," so you can easily gut the meaning of your post if you misuse it.
    I didn't notice I put the worng one hahah! It was one of those thing i was thing and typing at the sametime when piised off
    We noticed, because you made no sense.

    Gear Choice

    Veneficial Band ( +252 Stamina, +168 Intellect, +98 spirit , +120 mastery )


    Signet Of Venoxis ( +270 stamina, +180 intellect, +120 haste,+120 mastery)

    Venoxis, unless you really really need that extra 50 spirit to keep your mana up.

    Question about the future...

    Is boomkin going to be worthless after the new patch? Plz state why because i don't really understand the patch notes.
    for pvp our damage will probably take quite a hit, but I am not really anything close to an expert on pvp.

    For pve we will still be in a great place, just a little bit behind on AoE damage.

    The increase to E&M plus it proccing off mushrooms is just fantastic, and if we drop Lunar shower and BotG for 2/2 dreamstate, 2/2 Winds, and either an extra point in furor or moonglow then maybe pre-dotting+shrooms+hurricane will be good enough and somewhat mana effecient.

    Though I do want to note I was using hurricane+shrooms on adds in magmaw the first couple weeks of bwd in full blues and managed not to oom myself so it should be a piece of cake in firelands gear.
    It's already very difficult to kill a melee class given the actual (not mostly) ACTUAL impossibility to hard cast on one. This patch will destroy any chance you have at taking down a melee that's anywhere near your skill level 1v1 or 2v2. 3v3 it's not as bad, but still pretty destructive. This is also going to badly hurt our damage vs hunters (which I roll through right now).

    Bottom line- yes it's going to be worthless, but I don't want to say it straight out, b/c I love playing a moonkin. Hell, right now it's pretty close to worthless- I have an easier time w/ feral, and I just started playing it a few days ago.

    Resto: 2005 haste at what cost to INT?

    At what INT cost should one attempt to hit this "magic" number? I currently sit at 920 haste and 1366 mastery, with unbuffed INT of 5309.

    I could get there by using some ilvl 346 pieces, reforging, regemming all reckless, and changing some enchants. Is there a magic loss of INT where it is not worth it?
    Not sure if I'm in the correct gear at the moment, but I'm sitting at 2010 haste with full 359 gear. It's a very very difficult number to come by without help of 359+ gear. I'm currently putting a wrist enchant up to haste, which could be intellect. I generally weigh the benefits of extra ticks against the lost spell power. 2005 haste gives an extra tick of WG and Efflorescence, which adds up to be quite a bit of healing per cast. I valued that healing over the 50 int I could get on bracers. I'd advise you to experiment with reforging all of your crit and mastery into haste and see what numbers you get. As a primarily raid healer in my 10m groups, I value haste over mastery just for the added mobility and power of hots. I run with a holy priest and holy paladin, so it tends to work with my group setting. With changes in 4.2, however, we may find mastery to be a more influential stat than haste. Good luck!
    I don't really follow resto as closely as I used to, so this may not be right, but I believe the answer is that the extra haste shouldn't come at the cost of int. The haste comes from mastery. So, if you're planning on replacing int gems with pure haste, that's likely not the correct route.
    shouldn't sacrifice INT for haste, ever. INT is *the* best stat for resto's followed by spirit then haste (haste then spirit if your regen is good enough), or am I wrong?
    i think the general consensus is, like, if you can get pretty close to 2005 while keeping your 4piece, keeping all 359 gear, gemming brilliant/reckless/purified as appropriate, reforging crit/mastery into haste, etc etc -- like, say, 1900, 1950 haste or so -- then it's probably worth sacrificing a bit of int through pure haste gems and/or haste enchant on bracers. but if you're pretty far off, it's pointless to just reforge/regem/re-enchant everything to hit the breakpoint, because you won't have the spellpower/spirit to support it. at a cursory glance at your gear, it looks like you're doing it right.
    Most people prefer to lose <100 Int, but up to 400-500ish is actually fine to do, if you need to. I lost around 500 and still saw an improvement.
    I sacrificed a total of 65 int to get there, but I'm an Engineer/Alchemist, which gave me 400 haste right off the bat between the goggles and the alchemy stone. That definitely made it much easier.

    One thing that really helps is that the boomkin tier legs have a huge chunk of haste on them. If you opt for those as your offset, you wind up with a healthy chunk of haste from the tier helm/gloves and offset legs. This does force you to take the horribly itemized tier chest, but since there aren't any 359+ chest options with haste, this winds up being a mostly non-issue (you do sacrifice some spirit, but if you have the 4pc bonus it will more than compensate).

    I did fiddle around with Rawr and managed to assemble a gear list that gets to 2005 haste using only gear + enchants + 2 INT/Haste gems. The only INT sacrifice in that gear build is the wrist enchant. And it doesn't require the alchemy stone or engineering goggles, so it IS possible.
    Thank you all for your advice...Keeva I will keep the 400-500 number in mind. From what I see it is hard without the 4 pc set bonus and/or engineering....i have the alchemy.

    I just wish there was more haste on gear instead of crit....may be the crit will payoff in 4.2. Even as Balance crit is not that enticing next to haste and mastery.
    From what I've seen on MMO Champion, Haste is a bit more common on gear in 4.2, so getting to 2005 will be MUCH easier.
    Thank you all for your advice...Keeva I will keep the 400-500 number in mind. From what I see it is hard without the 4 pc set bonus and/or engineering....i have the alchemy.

    I would be careful doing it too soon. I was so stoked to get there that I sacrified A LOT of int to try it out. I had pure haste gems, pure haste JC gems, reckless in half my slots, etc. In all seriousness I should've waited 1 more upgrade piece before doing it because I still had blue items equipped.

    There's no issue gemming haste to bracers/gloves and changing some gems to 20/20 or maybe 1-2 to 40 haste. However I would not recommend doing what I did and changing your 67 int JC gems to haste. I looked at my gear and cringed for about 2 weeks before I got that item I wanted and was able to start changing stuff back.

    Even at my 365 ilevel I still have a couple 20 spell/20 haste gems in yellow sockets giving me 10 int bonuses. I obviously changed my JC gems back first, then the 65 haste to bracers to 50 int. After that I changed any 40 haste prismatic gems into 20/20 and then into 40 int. Basically it's like every time I upgrade a piece from 359 to 372 I take another item that was gemmed/focused towards haste and move it back to int.

    This balance of gear will continue into t12 and become even more of a game. With values skyrocketing even more, 2005 haste is going to be even easier to get. Every piece you pick up is either going to drop you below that number or shoot you above it causing you to reforge one way or the other - many times multiple reforges to get as close to it as you can without dropping below. Be prepared for this constant struggle as a druid for another tier or two of gear until the next breakpoint is realistically reachable.

    Bottom line: Changing some enchants, some gems,and an item or two is not a big deal but do not change around your JC gems, lose your 4pc, or anything else crazy like that. I know it's exciting to get close to it but you can wait a couple more items.
    The sacrifice of int becomes more worth it for haste as you move closer to a breakpoint. Say, youre at 1200, and you want to hit 1225. That would be more worth sacrificing int for than, say, if you had 1150 haste. A general rule is- dont replace your intellect, ever. But definitely sacrifice anything else to get to a haste breakpoint.
    I personally have never attempted to chase after the haste bubble. My haste seems to hover between 1200 and 1500 the entire expansion. I still heal like a fiend and on most fights no other class can keep up with my effective HPS let alone my raw HPS. I personally have chosen to have a lot of spirit. This allows me to cast more large heals and I consistently have mana longer and have more sustained HPS due to this (I believe). It could also be my personal play style (but I seem to have the same % of spell usage as most druids).

    I understand the math. I would LOVE to have the extra ticks. I just do not see it as huge a deal as I have found my larger mana pool and my better regen has meant on long nasty fights I have mana and other druids run empty.

    Just my experience. Take what you can from it.

    PS I am gearing up my second resto druid and I am trying to devote as much to haste as I can find to see how much better/different it is.
    As neither an alchemist nor an engineer, even in 359 gear I couldn't reasonably reach that breakpoint, so I forged OUT of haste all the way as close to 915 as I could (I think I'm like 940 or so). I'm occasionally shafted without a 5% spell haste buff, but usually I have it, and the extra mastery I get has been a way better performer for me, as I always have tank duty and my raids are 10-man.

    *shrug* I think it's very difficult for anyone else to answer your question, cause we don't know if you're healing 10-mans or 25-mans or what your mastery uptime is, or what role you play in your healing team, etc. I guess the biggest concern would be about whether or not you have any mana concerns at this time. If you've perpetually got mana, then it probably won't kill you to drop your int for more haste. Throughput for throughput, but only one of them helps you last longer in fights.
    Personally, I sacrificed around 400 int, and 100 spirit, and a few percentage points of mastery, to get to 1780 haste (with plus 225 haste elixir I am at 2005 on the dot). My hps on ALL fights increased between 2k and 4k hps depending on fight, and I still have no mana issues with DMC: Tsunami and Core of Ripeness (using basically on CD). Since the extra ticks on both WG and efflo. always proc ( they don't get sniped like rejuve. can, I snipe my own rejuves sometimes in the heat of battle >.>) they add a ton of effective healing if used on CD. I have 4 +40 haste gems and feel a little noobish with them, but the results speak for themselves. Spend the gold to get to 2005 if you can, heal a few raids, run ZA/ZG and get a feel for your output, then decide.
    One suggestion I'll make to anyone chasing 2005 and struggling: use the Boomkin pants as your off-set piece.

    yes, the Resto chest is terribly itemized. But the other options in this tier aren't much better (the Scorched Wyrmling Vest at least has spirit/mastery, but the crit on the Tier can be reforged to Spirit or Haste as needed).

    This way you keep your set bonus, but get the huge chunk of haste off the Boomkin legs (220+).

    4pc + Boomy pants puts you at %25 of your haste goal alone.

    This core alone is worth about 500 haste, and makes farming the pieces to get to 2005 -- even without Alchemy/Engineering options -- a lot easier.
    You are actually gimping yourself because a flask is itself 300 int on top of what you sac'd.

    In your case it's not worth it - Efflor is not anything to write home about unlike WG which is light-years ahead and 99% of the time tops meters followed by RJ.

    Still though you should go alch imo and save yourself the massive int loss...

    If my healing went up I'm not gimping myself, for me it was worth it. My top 3 heals are always WG, LB, and rejuv (tranq. on short fights), but efflo is now consistently number 4 (I usually cast it on boss or mobs for full effect).
    I agree with you about alch, I am hoarding herbs with the intention of switching professions. The haste on the trink is very appealing, and I would love to change out these noobish 40 haste gems >.>
    Thanks for the feedback!

    4.2 - What is feral gear?

    I give up. I really do. Are the game developers so vastly out of touch with the game that they develop that they haven't come to grips with the fact that we, as players, nitpick and calculate the benefit we receive from each stat, and determine the contribution each stat has to the roles we play?

    Case in point: Haste, as relates to feral druid. You can't find an individual who knows anything about feral druids that would list Haste as anything but the absolute DEAD LAST secondary stat in usefulness to our class. IE, there is no stat that appears on Agi leather that would ever be prioritized lower.

    That said, we get to fast forward to the datamined gear from Firelands. While druid tier has not been released yet, EVERY SINGLE PIECE of AGI leather has Haste on it. Given the current tier, and the fact that a few of the pieces have this stupid and USELESS stat on it, I'd guess it's safe to say they probably put that crap on the tier gear, too.

    Do the devs play the same game we do? Because it's becoming more and more apparent that they are completely out of touch.
    Uhm, 4.2 lets us be Firecats.
    Feral cats like haste. At 372 levels of gear haste beats crit and is the second best secondary state after mastery, at least right now and according to models. It really isn't that bad. It's just not that fun.

    You do realize that half of the gear that's been datamined has names like 'test staff 1', right? The itemization isn't done yet. Relax a little bit. Nothing has hit on it either; do you think rogues, hunters, enh shammies and the like might, just maybe, want some hit and expertise? It's all placeholders. If you're really concerned download the PTR and file a bug.
    not to mention the fact that balancing (to what extent blizzard actually gets it right) is done around the gear they actually itemise into the game.

    Sure as a bear it would be nice if we could pick up some stats we'd actually want.. like dodge/mastery leather, but if we could do that - chances are blizzard would have to nerf our avoidance...

    and not nerf our threat if they ever catch on to how strong we are right now :P
    Shhh, they might be listening!

    Seriously the gear is fine. We'll be fine!
    Feral cats like haste. At 372 levels of gear haste beats crit and is the second best secondary state after mastery, at least right now and according to models. It really isn't that bad. It's just not that fun.

    Earlier levels then that too, depending on your levels of haste and crit.
    alternatively, we're finally looking at the precursor of 4.2's Haste Rating = Dodge Rating conversion for bears :P
    Case in point: Haste, as relates to feral druid. You can't find an individual who knows anything about feral druids that would list Haste as anything but the absolute DEAD LAST secondary stat in usefulness to our class. IE, there is no stat that appears on Agi leather that would ever be prioritized lower.

    Hit and Expertise would like to have a word with you.

    The last sim I ran put the value of those two stats fully half of Haste's.
    Case in point: Haste, as relates to feral druid. You can't find an individual who knows anything about feral druids that would list Haste as anything but the absolute DEAD LAST secondary stat in usefulness to our class. IE, there is no stat that appears on Agi leather that would ever be prioritized lower.

    Hit and Expertise would like to have a word with you.

    The last sim I ran put the value of those two stats fully half of Haste's.

    For cats at that ilvl, haste is the second best secondary stat behind mastery.

    For bears, haste is weak, but it can be reforged.
    My feral set is only around ilvl 353 and I'm already at the point where haste > crit, it's all about balancing, and while I haven't looked at the 4.2 gear yet I'm willing to bet reforging some of the haste into crit will balance it right back.
    OP has to be a troll. Nobody can be that stupid an uninformed.

    pvp feral reforging?

    Which is better for a pvp feral, mastery or critical strike? Because when my druid is spell pen and hit capped I need to know what to reforge to.

    I reforge everything to mastery after the hit cap.
    I recommend 20 expertise. Not many cats doing it yet, but they'll see the light soon.

    Parry this.

    Tree Form- Letss Get Serious

    Many druids want Tree form back. Many druids hated the old tree form, and flame the druids you deem utterly stupid for begging for the old tree form.

    What these druids want is simply a cosmetic form for them to heal in- that corresponds to the aspect of healing magic just as the moonkin corresponds to balance, and bear/cat forms corresponds to feral.

    It seems to me that many of you either miss or ignore what these druids want, and instead opt to condemn them to deep pits of stupidity. I urge you to take a minuet to run down to your local pharmacy and buy a few bottles of Anti-derrp- extra strength. The pharmacy hands these out liberally so don't be concerned about a prescription or payment.

    Now, we all know why Blizzard removed the old tree form. It had limitations to the druid's choice of play style in both pvp and pve scenarios, and it provided not only immunity to crowd control abilities in pvp, but dispels to those same abilities.

    Please stop filling all the posts related to tree form with your rants about why it was so horrible, why it was so OP, and why you would rather have it as a powerful CD.

    We all get it, its been months since cataclysm came out.

    Its been months since blizzard and many, many other bloggers, posters, and developers have answered questions regarding tree form's removal.

    And its been months since druids have cried about tree form, and merciless players have sniped them down for complaining about it.

    These druids are asking for a purely cosmetic tree form, one for those who enjoyed looking like a tree, looking like something unique, and looking like a true druid should in their eyes. They are not asking for the same old tree form with it's buffs and complications.

    The tree form many have been begging for is one that is:

    -Cosmetic, functioning the same way as the noggenfogger skeleton costume, savory deviate delight and it's pirate costume, and the blood elf orb with it's corresponding costume.

    -Costumes that affect a player's appearance are not some new, foreign idea in the world of warcraft, we've had them since vanilla and I truly don't understand why some of you cant grasp that concept.

    -This tree form is basically a glyphable costume for restoration druids. upon adding the glyph, a shape-shift labeled "tree form" appears on the transformation bar above the druid's action bar. Activating this form simply changes the player's appearance to that of a treant.

    -There is no CC immunity, increased healing (except through the master shapeshifter talent's increased healing to caster form- which is not overwritten in this costume) and shape-shifting into any other form does not produce a GCD, just as activating travel-form when you are changed by savory deviate delight does not produce a GCD.

    - This "form" will have the same aura and mechanical applications to the druid as savory deviate delight's pirate costume's buff aura.

    - activating "tree of life" in this cosmetic form removes the effect, and adds the tree of life cosmetic, healing bonus, and corresponding enhanced spells. You will still have the powerful CD.

    - To those i know are going to scream " But I don't want to look like an ugly treant, I want to see my gear!" I urge you to first shed your selfishness- just because you and the population of druids who disliked the tree form cosmetic don't want it, does not mean that we shouldn't have the option for those who do want it, just like there is an option to show your helm and cape in the interface menu. Would you like to flame those options as well?

    - And to those who will say that blizzard does not have the time to do this- they already have, just not in the way that some would like it.

    It would take them some time and effort- but not much, to tweak a glyph that already gives druids the choice of new or old tree form- This is the minor glyph that allows you to look like a treant when in the "tree of life" CD.

    Players who prefer the new cosmetic ignore this glyph. Players who prefer the old cosmetic buy this glyph. This is a perfect example of personal choice- learn it, understand it, and live it.


    Let's rename this entire forum from Druid to Year-Late Tree Form Discussion.