Thursday, April 19, 2012

druid or warrior?

decided i would make a warrior or druid but i dont know much of either class. im leaning towards druid because they seem fun and versatile, but warriors seem fun too. i want a class that can deal damage fast or strong but also take hits or at least survive a good fight easy. just want to know how either class is in pve,pvp, instances, the basics. any opinion will be appreciated, thanks in advance.
Warrior will be able to take more hits and do insanely high damage. My disc priest doesn't even get phased by a feral druid in arena, they hit so low it's laughable, but a warrior can really lock someone down and hit them hard. Plus all specs on druid are really squishy and they don't prove much of a challenge to kill unless they're a really good player or fully geared.

PvE-wise, feral druids are doing really high dps, so I've came across.
I leveled to 85 w/ a balance druid, recently leveled a warrior to 71, and PVP pretty regularly on balance and more recently PVP w/ feral.

Balance is still the most fun to me of any classes I've tried, but it is very underpowered (and getting worse in the next) in PVP, so it will be frustrating. Feral PVP (while still pretty new to me) is very fun, and I don't know if I'm just biased b/c I'm used to balance, but I think it gives you a lot of tools and versatility for PVP.

Warriors are just plain overpowered (PVP). I rolled one, b/c they're overpowered, and while I can't give you the full lvl 85 picture from playing one myself, even leveling it so far has been a joke. I one to two hit most mobs on the way up to 71 so far. PVP, you will have a huge advantage over pretty much everyone. Frost mages will prob be your toughest, but honestly- you're gonna be able to take down most classes with 3-4 buttons. What appeals to me, though, is they still have a ton of tools. So if you decide to actually put the time into it and learn the class (which most warriors I'm meeting in the ~1550-1700 2v2 and battlegrounds DON'T do), the class can go from overpowered to unstoppably dominant. Coming from playing a moonkin, that sounds like something I could use to get out my frustration.
Warrior will be able to take more hits and do insanely high damage. My disc priest doesn't even get phased by a feral druid in arena, they hit so low it's laughable, but a warrior can really lock someone down and hit them hard. Plus all specs on druid are really squishy and they don't prove much of a challenge to kill unless they're a really good player or fully geared.

PvE-wise, feral druids are doing really high dps, so I've came across.

I may be wrong but a lot of this sounds wrong.

From my experience playing a feral druid in PvP we do pretty good damage.
Don't have a lot of experience in pve but from what I hear we don't do that great of dps because we scale awfully. This is why we are getting damage buffs next patch.
There is some tremendously wrong information here. From a balance perspective, both classes are perfectly viable for tanking, pve dps or pvp. Any differences you may see are probably perception and player skill rather than real differences in the classes.

Ultimately it comes down to the playstyle of the class. That's not something you'll have a very good handle on until you actually try them out. I'd suggest leveling each class up to the 40s to get a sense of how they play and pick the one you like the best.
Warrior will be able to take more hits and do insanely high damage. My disc priest doesn't even get phased by a feral druid in arena, they hit so low it's laughable, but a warrior can really lock someone down and hit them hard. Plus all specs on druid are really squishy and they don't prove much of a challenge to kill unless they're a really good player or fully geared.

PvE-wise, feral druids are doing really high dps, so I've came across.

I may be wrong but a lot of this sounds wrong.

You're not wrong Swag(3x). The person you're quoting is a severely uninformed mage. Not so much about warriors, they're all fine and dandy...but his druid claims are nigh laughable.
If you want a challenge, then Feral druids are definitely better then warriors xD I have three druids because I think they're the funnest class, both in PvE and PvP. Feral druids are much better once you get some gear and some resilience. You'll find you'll be trained a lot, so knowing when to go on the defensive as well is a must.
yeh im sorry but saying feral isnt competitive is ridiuclous. i trash warriors in a 1v1. feral druids are an incredibly fun and versatile class to play, if u havnt spent long in the pvp scene then go warrior, with the homgenization of half there abilities there an easy class to learn to play, feral druids skill cap is alot higher but pays off better in the end. plus with the new buffs coming feral will be just a little bit better
I love my feral druid :)

To me the biggest difference between a cat and a warrior is burst damage. As stated previously, warriors hit very hard and are tough due to the amount of armor they can carry.

Cats can do a LOT of damage, but it takes a little longer to ramp it up due to our reliance on bleeds.

I think druids take more finesse and I also enjoy their versatility.

Hope that helps
Warrior will be able to take more hits and do insanely high damage. My disc priest doesn't even get phased by a feral druid in arena, they hit so low it's laughable, but a warrior can really lock someone down and hit them hard. Plus all specs on druid are really squishy and they don't prove much of a challenge to kill unless they're a really good player or fully geared.

PvE-wise, feral druids are doing really high dps, so I've came across.

id rather pool my energy while my bleeds tick away at your shield and blow you up with 31-37k shreds the moment it drops.

this guy doesnt know what hes talking about ferals are very strong, and can hit hard if u time everything 100% takes getting used to as pvp but once u master it Its very rewarding.

heres a s/s i just took of me shredding a dummie

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