[:1]How are people taking the talent changes? I haven't done much arena since WoW is plagued with egregious bugs right now, but has anyone experimented with the new efflorescence? Is it worth to take full eff? How about living seed?
Just like some feedback on what other people are doing with their talents since 4.1.
meh, heals for 15k on the front end and 1800 ticks. pretty crappy for arena, useful to some extent for rbg's.
Overall, however, we are totally borked as healers now(pvp). LB blooms for less than 20% of HP's(a rare crit-bloom maybe 25%, 2 ticks are negated by even one white dmg hit from any class.
of course you can cast your 3 sec big heal cast and get about 14% HP's back in a non crit, 20% with a crit.
But hey we have nutso dmg mitigation for warriors with CS!
I've specced 3 pts into living seed but I'm still not convinced that it is worthwhile (see my secondary talent tree). Living seed is clearly nowhere near a replacement for what LB used to be. I used to keep 3 stacks rolling on whoever was being trained on and if I got CCed the bloom would keep the person alive until the CC wore off. I can understand this change was needed though but it will require a slightly different strategy when healing in arena.
In BGs, the reduced c/d on tranquility is fantastic but I say enjoy it before the nerf hammer.
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