Saturday, April 14, 2012

Instant Roots > NG...end of story.

[:1]Im tired of seeing ppl countering a "druids need instant roots" with "why?you have Natures Grasp which is just as good if not better!".

NG is visible to any smart player which will then use any immunity counter which usually negates the next two NG hits...

NG ONLY procs when hit, guess what else procs when hit? Poisons,Hamstring,slows you are forced to spam travel etc to remove the slows etc (wasting lots of GCD) just to gain ENOUGH distance to get off a hardcast or heal (although our heals dont even compare to rogues Recupe and are damn near weakest of any hybrid/melee).

NG can be very unforgiving at times...I dont always wanna root the blue geared warrior AND the epic blitzkrieg warrior at the same time. In that instance I may be finishing off the lesser warrior and want to drag him away from the bigger threat....but with NG they will both be rooted (and as we ALL know, not for long) and Ill be down to one NG left AND its on DR now.

INSTANT ROOTs....better in every way shape and form. More control and that alone is worth it to me. Two melee coming at me, typhoon, instant root one...take care of the other etc..

Little off subject here but I was reading some blue comments on casters vs melee..saying "casters needing more instant cast because melee have so many interupts and melee needing more closers and interupts because casters have so many instants and roots/slows etc". No doubt its a very hard balance to get. But honestly it really seems that Moonkin spec is purposly being left out in the cold so melee will ALWAYS have an advantage over a casting class. Prlly not but definately seems that way.
Kinda like recreational team has all the new equipment and best players (Rogue-Dk-Warrior-Frostmage etc) while the other team is scrapping to find enuff helmets and pads to even play the game.

Blizz has never shown any proof of any dev actually playing a Boomkin spec...I would lay real money on the line and say they couldnt make it work in a pvp setting as good as the other casting classes...I still think it was a joke of a move at first that went live and they been toying with it (mostly nerfs ) ever since. Owell...good luck Boomers...luck is all we have left... cant always gain distance to get off a cyclone..I have a mage and I know without a doubt there is no spell out there that I have ever casted that has as much pushback as Cyclone does. Its not even close. Does Cyclone have more pushback then others? I seen it last 6-maybe 8 seconds before it finally took...thats just stupid.
Because NG has a 1 min CD and the ICD of NG is broken and can use all 3 charges within a few seconds, which leaves you with no roots and waiting on a min cd to do it again.
There are moonkins all over high lvl arena right now... l2p. Roll with a rogue or something that can peel warriors all *!%@ing day.
I think it's time to update this 45 sec cooldown spell to operate more like frost nova, considering how little defensive cooldowns Druids actually have in all specs.
New talent, put it next to lunar shower and fungal growth -
Root Nova - 25second cd(15 talented, tie it to Nature's Majesty)
Instantly roots all targets within 8 yards of the druid in place for up to 30 seconds.
Damage may interrupt the effect.

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