Saturday, April 14, 2012

Resto druids and FF?

[:1]Does it make sense for me as a resto druid to stack FF 3 times on most mobs (mainly bosses and single target pulls) in heroics? Or is it useless?

I know this is probably a dumb question.
Pointless to do in a 5 man.
If someone else brings the armor debuff to the group, it's probably not that useful. In the off chance you have someone who brings physical attacks to the group but don't bring up the debuff, it can be worth it.

I think Paladins and Rogues benefit from it. Warriors are likely to put up the debuff. I know rogues can but it's sort of out of the way. Can anyone else correct me or contribute?

if you have the spare GCDs i'd stack it on bosses. wouldn't worry about it otherwise or if you have a prot war.

ferals spec'd can put up the 3 stack, but a lot of bears will be dropping that for kotj, so you could help a bear get the 3 stack up.

warriors, rogues, and a hunter pet can all bring the debuff.
If you have a lot of melee, then it's worthwhile to do, especially in ZA/ZG because you never know what kind of scrub dps you're gonna get.

Assassanation rogues, tanking warriors, druids, and hunters with a raptor pet only will apply this buff. Most dps warriors won't bother sundering, and most hunters just pick a pretty pet so they might not be applying the debuff.
Its pointless in a heroic.
Edit: (if you are wiping in ZA/ZG due to lack of dps, i guess you could put it up, but dying there is usually a failure to execute mechanics properly, not a dps race)

Now, if you are raiding and no one else brings the major armor debuff (more likely in a 10 man), then it's worthwhile to put it up.

Some raid bosses you may not have the GCD's to put it up right away like Halfus (it tends to miss a lot as resto) but you should be able to find a few spare GCD here and there - like during movement or phase transitions or just lulls when folks aren't too hurt.

@juduti: Warriors, Rogues, Druids (preferably feral or balance since they have hit rating), and I believe Raptor pets from Hunters can all apply it. Needless to say, these are many of the classes that also deal a lot of physical damage and therefore would benefit from it the most.
Let me see: Decreases the armor of the target by 4% for 5 min. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible. Stacks up to 3 times.

12% less armor means more dps. So you are asking if something that actually does soemthing is in fact useless or not.

yea, very stupid question.
Let me see: Decreases the armor of the target by 4% for 5 min. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible. Stacks up to 3 times.

12% less armor means more dps. So you are asking if something that actually does soemthing is in fact useless or not.

yea, very stupid question.

Just because something does something, doesn't mean that something is useful, or, in this context, that it's worth the GCDs.

Take your post, for example. It says something. You've managed to write in coherent English text. But it's pretty useless as it adds nothing to this conversation.

@OP - in heroics, if you're bored, sure, why not? But it really isn't necessary. Any wiping you do won't be due to that little bit of extra DPS.

In raids, it would be really odd to have a melee-heavy raid that didn't already have this debuff. And if your raid isn't melee heavy, then it becomes less worthwhile to put it up. But if it so happened that you were in a situation where you didn't have the debuff and your raid could significantly benefit from it, it might be worth your raids while to stack it when you can. But if a tank dies because you had to use GCDs to put up FF, then tell your melee to forget about it.

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